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Help Brooklet Elementary School students win a national Google Doodle

Help Brooklet Elementary School students win a national Google Doodle


Davine Chen, age 10, is the Georgia state winner. Vote through June 4th to help her become the national winner, who will receive $55,000 in college scholarships and a $50,000 technology prize for her school. Her doodle will appear on the Google homepage for 24 hours.

Brooklet Elementary School is the home school of Georgia's 2024 Doodle for Google winner, and you can vote online through June 4 to decide the national winner.

Davin Chen, 10, was presented with a certificate as the winner of the Georgia 4th-5th grade division by official Google representatives who made a special visit to the school on May 23. Chen is the daughter of Jiang Chen and Yuting Zhou of Statesboro.

She is now one of 55 winners, one from each state and territory in the U.S. The national winner receives a $55,000 college scholarship, a $50,000 technology award for her school, and her doodle will be featured on Google's homepage for 24 hours. Five national finalists will also be selected to receive $5,000 scholarships and have their work featured in Google's online doodle gallery.

Google surprised each of the 55 state and territory winners with a celebration at their school. From this group, five national finalists and ultimately a national winner will be selected. Your vote will help decide the winner. To vote for Davine, follow these steps:

Go to, select the 4th-5th grade category, scroll down and you'll see a doodle with Georgia listed. Click on Georgia, verify you're not a bot, and then vote for Davine's artwork. Vote by June 4th at 11:59pm PST, which is three hours behind Eastern Time in Georgia.

This year marks Google's 25th anniversary, so the theme of this year's contest was “My wishes for the next 25 years.” Davine's Doodle for Google, “Celebrating the dawn of a new paradise,” captures her wishes both visually and written.

She writes: “At the dawn of 2049, I want to dance with my family on 'G': recycling bins filled with plastic-eating bacteria and fungi that turn waste into nutrients; 'g': drones that filter water; and 'l': floating nature hotels that purify the air and help migratory birds. My hope is that for the next 25 years, we will use art and technology to bring back a cleaner, greener Earth.”

The Doodle for Google contest is open to elementary, middle, and high school students. According to Google's website, this year's young artists can create their doodles using any material they like. They are also allowed to use other mediums of digital art, such as virtual reality painting, stop-motion video, song, and poetry. Entries will be judged on artistic merit, creativity, especially the theme and use of Google's logo and lettering.




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