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Qualcomm predicts laptop users will ditch their power adapters

Qualcomm predicts laptop users will ditch their power adapters


(Bloomberg) — Qualcomm Inc. said laptop owners with its new chips will be able to use their computers for as long as they like without worrying about running out of battery power.

San Diego-based Qualcomm is providing the underlying semiconductors for Microsoft's new Copilot+ PC, which is packed with the company's latest and greatest artificial intelligence enhancements. Both Microsoft and Qualcomm say the chipmaker's hardware is essential to enable those AI additions and to process them efficiently enough to keep the device running for long periods without needing to be charged.

“We're really making history together, and the industry is starting to take notice,” Qualcomm Chief Executive Cristiano Amon said in a keynote address at the Computex trade show on Monday. “I believe this is as important as Windows 95.”

Qualcomm and its peers have been working for more than a decade to loosen the PC industry's reliance on Intel and use technology from smartphone-dominant Arm Holdings to provide new key components. Amon said Windows laptops based on Qualcomm's Snapdragon X Elite system will offer up to twice the battery life of traditional laptops. They will also be more than 100 times more power efficient when running some AI functions, he said.

Read more: Microsoft unveils new AI products to take on Apple and Google

The CEOs' bullishness on the new devices is part of an effort to diversify Qualcomm's revenue streams. The company's mobile chips are widely used in the smartphone industry but have lagged behind rivals in other areas. Mr. Amon said the increased efficiency and connectivity offered by Qualcomm's products would help it gain share in a host of new markets, including automotive and computing.

Microsoft last month unveiled its artificial intelligence-enabled Copilot+ computer. Microsoft said its Surface series of machines, all based on Qualcomm chips and manufacturing partners, will be more powerful and faster than Apple's top-of-the-line MacBook Air. Lenovo Group, Dell Technologies Inc. and Asustek Computer Inc. are among the partners that have announced they will release Snapdragon-powered Copilot+ laptops.

“Qualcomm will stay in the region, not go anywhere, and we are very happy to work with our partners,” said Amon, wearing white sneakers with the Copilot logo. Pavan Davulli, head of Microsoft's Windows division, also appeared on stage with Amon, and the two embraced each other to emphasize the warmth of their business partnership. Davulli also participated in the keynote speech of Advanced Micro Devices with CEO Lisa Su on the same day, and spoke about the depth of their collaboration.

The AI-based push could give new momentum to an effort that so far has been unable to dent Intel's dominance in PCs. Qualcomm needs to get consumer attention and ensure compatibility with all the software and peripherals PC users rely on.

–With assistance from Jane Lanhee Lee.

2024 Bloomberg LP




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