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Google announces major update for millions of Pixel users

Google announces major update for millions of Pixel users


Millions of Google Pixel users warned to update now

AFP via Getty Images

Google is once again lagging behind Samsung this month, with details of its June security updates only just being released. Unlike Samsung, however, this month's Pixel update includes several important updates and fixes for high-severity vulnerabilities that Google says may be subject to limited targeted attacks. Consider this a warning update for millions of users.

Along with monthly security updates, this is a quarterly release of new Android features, and will likely be the last before Android 15 is released later this year. Naturally, it includes AI add-ons, a must-have feature after Apple's wildly successful showcase of the revolutionary iOS 18. So it's no surprise to see the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8a now come with more on-device, privacy-focused AI-enhanced features, despite initial expectations that they wouldn't be possible due to hardware limitations.

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June's critical fixes patched vulnerabilities in the Pixel core software and firmware that could allow a local attacker to escalate privileges on the device and access features and data that should have been locked down. As with previous issues, such issues are unlikely to open the door to remote attacks on their own, but they could be used in conjunction with other exploits in chain attacks to destabilize or steal sensitive data or credentials.

Pixel users will be no surprise that Android vulnerabilities continue to be a hot topic, with the latest report detailing 90 malicious applications uploaded to the Google Play store that were installed a total of more than 5.5 million times.

Users who have been following Google's efforts to build an even higher security fence around their devices will also notice that the Android 15 preview has a stronger focus on security than ever before. New features include the first mainstream cellular tapping alert, Private Spaces to lock down particularly private data, and the introduction of a new AI-based live threat detection framework to detect malicious apps more quickly.

It remains to be seen whether this will be enough, and whether June's long list of critical and high-severity fixes will provide any sense of relief. In fact, the expansion of Nano capabilities across the Pixel footprint this month may be what makes the bigger difference. Apple's focus on the limitations of in-device processing and the dangers of in-cloud processing makes it hard for Google (and Samsung) to avoid it. Apple has presented a third way: a new and unique private cloud architecture. They have shifted the debate from the in-device good, cloud bad narrative we've come to expect, and as a result, neither Google nor Samsung have the answers yet.

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While user response is still low on Android and Pixel, in 12-18 months the novel AI capabilities we see today will be fused with an always-on, always-talking device assistant with access to the entire communications, calendar and calling ecosystem. This is the beginning of a nightmare, and underestimating it will be personal and collective danger. Google has made a fast start in smartphone AI, but this will be a marathon rather than a sprint. Android and Pixel need a strategy.

Meanwhile, looking ahead, Pixel owners will see new security updates being applied to their devices in the coming days. The company says that all supported Google devices will receive the 2024-06-05 patch level update. All customers are encouraged to accept these updates on their devices. If they're not available for your model and carrier yet, you should receive them this week. Keep an eye out for notifications and make sure the update is downloaded, installed, and restarted.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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