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Christine Julien appointed dean of computer science | Virginia Tech News

Christine Julien appointed dean of computer science | Virginia Tech News


Christine Julien has been appointed dean of the School of Computer Science, effective August 12th.

Julian comes to Virginia Tech from the University of Texas at Austin, where he was the Annis and Jack Bowen Professor of Engineering in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Associate Dean for Increasing Participation in Engineering in the Cockrell School of Engineering.

“We are thrilled to welcome Christine to Virginia Tech's College of Engineering. Her deep technical knowledge and previous leadership experience in a highly accomplished engineering school provide an ideal balance of experience to lead the rapid growth of computer science,” said Julie Ross, Paul and Dorothea Torgersen Dean of Engineering. “I look forward to working with Christine and bringing her many innovative ideas to the department.”

Julien replaces interim department chair Danfeng Daphne Yao, a cybersecurity expert who was tapped to take the role after Cal Liben announced his retirement. Liben served in the position for nine years, overseeing the department during a period of unprecedented enrollment growth.

“I want to thank Cal for his efforts in continuing to recruit and retain world-class researchers and instilling a strong sense of community and camaraderie among faculty, staff and students. I also want to thank Daphne Yao for supporting the leadership transition,” Ross said.

At the University of Texas at Austin, Julian led the establishment of the $1.2 million Center for Engineering Equity. Her research has garnered $11 million in external research funding, including a National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) award, an Air Force Office of Scientific Research Young Investigator Award, and awards from the Department of Defense and Freescale Semiconductors, and she has published over 175 archived journal articles and conference papers.

Julian's research focuses on engineering the software that supports a wide range of smart devices and environments. Her projects have included using advanced networking technologies to give children the opportunity to move freely around their neighborhoods while staying safe by connecting remotely with parents and guardians. She has also worked on improving sensing and networking for the Internet of Things, which will network the various devices we use every day and connect them to each other, a key element in creating smart homes, office buildings and public spaces.

Julian said he hopes to build on the department's success and help develop research and graduate studies in and around Virginia Tech's Innovation Campus, scheduled to open next year near Washington, D.C.

“One of the most exciting and challenging parts of this job is increasing awareness and connection between our Blacksburg campus and Northern Virginia businesses,” Julian says. “I see both areas as having one vision, one mission, and my role is to help bring that together. They're not separate. It's a grand thing, but helping to shape that future is exciting for me.”

Julianne says she never planned on becoming a computer scientist — in fact, she was on a pre-med track before taking a course that would change her future.

“I realized that whether I was interested in it or not, computer science was going to be a part of my future. I needed to at least get familiar with it,” Julian says. “I took one class and I was hooked.”

Since then, throughout her career, she has become committed to opening up computer science and engineering education to as wide a range of students and faculty as possible, and that’s a big part of the job she will be starting this fall.

The department she will lead is part of the Virginia Tech Workforce Investment Program, a $2 billion partnership of higher education institutions, donors and industry partners aimed at doubling the number of computer science-related degrees awarded in the state each year.

Because computer science will impact every aspect of global society in the coming years, building degree programs that are accessible to anyone with curiosity and motivation is a major focus for the College of Engineering, Virginia Tech, and the College of Engineering.

To support these and similar efforts, the university launched Virginia Tech Advantage, a multi-year, university-wide initiative to provide a broader educational experience to Virginia undergraduates in need of financial assistance. Virginia Tech Global Distinction is another top priority for the university, and seeks to raise the university's international profile and strengthen its ability to serve as a force for positive change.

“Everyone in Virginia should have the opportunity to study computer science if they want to, and I think there is great potential for studying computer science in Virginia that isn't found in many other places. I'm excited to get to work,” said Julian.

Julian earned his PhD, MS and BS in Computer Science from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and also earned a BS in Biology from the same university.




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