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“Leader of the Band” singer Dan Fogelberg's home is on sale for $2.42 million

“Leader of the Band” singer Dan Fogelberg's home is on sale for $2.42 million


Real Estate This property comes with 800 feet of beachfront and a home with three bedrooms and two studios. There is a music studio above the garage and an artist studio on the third floor. Dean Tyler Photography

The family of the late “Leader of the Band” singer-songwriter Dan Fogelberg has put his Maine estate on the market for $2.425 million.

Tucked away on the shores of Gray's Cove off Eggemoggin Reach in Deer Isle, where Fogelberg wrote his famous song “The Reach,” the 5.5 acre estate at 48 Oak Point Road boasts 800 feet of shoreline, stunning waterfront views and natural scenic beauty that blends with New England charm. The 6,575 square foot, three bedroom, five bathroom (two full and three half bathrooms) luxury home was completed in 2004. Fogelberg passed away in 2007, but his widow, Jean, continued to live in the home.

“When you walk in, you feel like you're entering a home that has a lot of stories and history. It has their personality and they loved spending time here,” said Jill Knowles of the Christopher Group, which owns the property. “It really has a great old soul.”

A gravel driveway leads to a circular driveway at the front of the home, which features a welcoming front porch. There is another porch on the other side of the home, facing the water. The foyer features impeccably crafted woodwork, and even though it was built just 20 years ago, it still has a historic feel.

To the left is the living room with a cozy nook in the corner perfect for reading or listening to music. The dining room has a tall fireplace and several pieces of custom handcrafted oak furniture that come with the home sale. Beyond the dining room is the sunroom with floor to ceiling windows offering beautiful views. The “southwest” room is a welcome additional space with wide plank tile floors, built-in bookshelves, a fireplace and a library.

At the entrance, a wooden staircase leads to the second floor, where you'll find the master bedroom, which has an en-suite bathroom with dual sinks, a shower and a deep soaking tub, as well as a walk-in closet and a propane fireplace. Two more bedrooms and a shared bathroom are located on the second floor.

Head up to the third floor and what's currently used as an artist's studio, with natural light pouring in through a skylight and a private half bath, could easily double as a home office or yoga room.

“It can be any type of workspace,” Knowles says.

The nearly finished basement offers a variety of spaces, including a laundry room with a chute leading off the master bedroom, a bonus room and a music room or office.

The heated two-car garage has stairs leading up to a second-floor studio that can double as an additional bedroom with a half bath. This expertly crafted space features beautiful wood walls.

“What I love about this house is how cozy it is. It's a cozy home built with so much love, it feels like you're being held in the arms,” ​​Knowles said.

Dan Fogelberg's former home is available to purchase in time for your summer home or holiday get-togethers — it's not the same old house it used to be.

Take a peek inside the house. – Dean Tyler Photography. – Dean Tyler Photography. – Dean Tyler Photography. – Dean Tyler Photography. – Dean Tyler Photography. – Dean Tyler Photography. – Dean Tyler Photography. – Dean Tyler Photography. – Dean Tyler Photography. – Dean Tyler Photography. – Dean Tyler Photography. – Dean Tyler Photography. Newsletter Address

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