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Dell Technologies continues to make progress in quantum computing efforts

Dell Technologies continues to make progress in quantum computing efforts


Insider Brief

Dell Technologies recently announced its quantum computing efforts: the company formed a strategic partnership with Aramco to explore advanced computing applications in the energy sector, and Dell also shared information about a hybrid classical/quantum platform.

Dell Technologies hasn't been very active in the quantum industry, but recent news shows the company steadily gaining momentum in the field. Recently, the company announced that it has formed a strategic partnership with Aramco to explore energy sector innovations including the use of quantum technology, and unveiled a hybrid classical/quantum platform developed in collaboration with IonQ.

Dell Technologies teams up with Aramco

As reported by CXODX, Dell Technologies and Aramco recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to explore potential advancements in advanced computing architectures, including quantum computing, artificial intelligence (AI), edge computing and quantum computing. The collaboration aims to address complex challenges in a range of areas, including energy optimization, predictive maintenance, weather modelling and materials science.

This cooperation is particularly important for the energy sector, where these technologies can drive innovation and operational optimization. Scientists have already identified several processes in the energy sector that would benefit from quantum technologies once they are fully developed.

Nabil Al Nuaim, Aramco's senior vice president for digital and information technology, said AI and quantum computing have the potential to be transformative for the energy sector.

Technologies such as AI and quantum computing offer unparalleled processing power and have the potential to revolutionize the energy sector. “The possibilities are endless and we are excited to explore new opportunities with Dell,” he said, according to CXODX. The collaboration is aligned with Aramco's sustainability goals and aims to strengthen Saudi Arabia's position as a leader in technological innovation in the energy sector.

Mohammed Amin, senior vice president for the CEEMETA region at Dell Technologies, also acknowledged the role of technological advancements in solving complex challenges.

“From optimizing energy operations to finding solutions to complex challenges, we aim to drive transformation within the energy industry by helping companies like Aramco adopt the latest technologies and stay at the forefront of innovation,” Amin said.

Dell to Focus on Hybrid Quantum Computing Solutions with IonQ

In another development, a partnership between Dell Technologies and IonQ has resulted in the Dell Quantum Computing Solution, a hybrid classical/quantum platform that combines Dell's PowerEdge servers with Qiskit Dell Runtime and IonQ Aria quantum processing units (QPUs) to run both classical and quantum simulation workloads on-premise, according to information provided by Dell Technologies.

Quantum computing offers a significant advantage in that it can solve extremely complex problems in a significantly shorter time than today's most powerful supercomputers. This capability is particularly useful for applications such as modeling complex molecules for pharmacology development, where the platform can efficiently run quantum workloads.

Dell Quantum Computing solutions aim to lower the barrier to entry by providing the infrastructure and computing resources for learning, experimentation and development. Dell also provides guidance and documentation to accelerate discovery of key concepts and code optimization for hybrid quantum computing.

The Dell Technologies and IonQ partnership is focused on mitigating deployment risks and enabling research and development for applied theory and logic applications. By acting as a trusted advisor, Dell will help organizations explore the use cases and benefits of quantum computing.

Deploying Dell Quantum Computing solutions includes selecting the right execution environment for your specific workload, simplifying the operationalization of quantum computing. Dell's support includes translating your use cases into actionable outputs with hybrid quantum-classical systems in production, ensuring a smooth transition from testing to production, and achieving business outcomes driven by new technologies.

Dell Quantum Computing solutions offer a range of configurations, from small to large, each featuring high-performance PowerEdge servers and NVIDIA GPUs. The platform includes integration with Qiskit Dell Runtime software and Kubernetes container orchestration to provide a flexible, scalable solution for running quantum workloads.

Dell Technologies' approach to quantum computing is to leverage hybrid systems, combining classical and quantum processing to accelerate innovation and discovery. The company wrote that it aims to provide a seamless transition for organizations adopting quantum technology, enabling them to achieve significant advancements across a range of sectors.




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