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29.6 Patch Notes — Hearthstone — Blizzard News

29.6 Patch Notes — Hearthstone — Blizzard News


Patch 29.6, releasing today, kicks off planning for Hearthstone's next expansion, Peril in Paradise, sees the return of Baku and Gen in the free Core Set for a limited time, brings back Sync Pairs to Battlegrounds (including Battleground Duos), sets the stage for the next Twisted Season, and much more.

Perils of Paradise Before You Buy

Enjoy your island getaway in Hearthstone's next expansion, Perils in Paradise, coming on July 23. Marin, an old fox, has put his questing days behind him and embarked on a new adventure: managing a resort. His new resort, tucked away in the Spiral Isles, has everything you need for an unforgettable adventure: class-hopping tourists, delicious drinks, places to revisit again and again, and a little danger. Reserve your tickets now. Perils in Paradise is coming soon!

Perils in Paradise features 145 all-new collectible cards. You can find out more about the journey in the Perils in Paradise announcement blog. Pack your bags, because there are two pre-purchase options available right now:

Advance purchase

Log in and get Marine Manager for free!

What better way to prepare for your trip than to talk to the resort manager? Log into Hearthstone today and start planning with your free Marine Manager Legendary card!* Play as him and your trip is guaranteed to be a treasured one.

*Limit one per account. Starting with patch 30.6, the Marine Manager will be awarded upon opening your first Perils in Paradise pack, not upon login.

Gen and Baku return to the core

Patch 29.6 will add Gen and Baku to the free Core Set until the release of Perils in Paradise on July 23, meaning everyone can play with them in Standard and Wild during that time. A few years ago, these two iconic cards were so powerful that they were sent to Wild early. Now, to celebrate Hearthstone's history, and with a little revenge, they're back. What weird creations will you come up with?

Our friends are back on the Battlegrounds!

Mid-season Update 29.6 brings buddies back to Battlegrounds and, for the first time, Duos. Each hero has a special buddy that is unique to them and synergizes with their hero power. Press the buddy button during the Shop phase to get your buddy. The cost of pressing the buddy button decreases throughout the game and resets when you press the button again. Press it again for a total of three copies of your buddy.

This patch includes 12 all-new and 23 updated buddies, new and returning minions, minion pool changes, and much more. Check out our dedicated Battlegrounds Preview blog for more details.

In-game event: Midsummer Fire Festival

The Summer season has begun, and before we set sail for Perils in Paradise, we'll be hosting a new in-game event: Fire Festival. From June 25th to July 16th, complete event quests to earn Event XP on a special Event Reward Track. Completing the reward track will earn you 6 Whizbangs Workshop Packs and the Reaver V-07-TR-0N Rogue Hero Skin.

July Twisted Season: Even More Heroes

Whizbangs Heroes returns in July with nine new heroes. Each hero is unlocked if you have a card with the same name as that hero in your collection. Once the July season begins, you can find out more about all heroes, including decklists and direct links to unlocked cards, from the Twist Hero selection screen.

Manager Marin

Passive: Take a Chance! – When you play the right-most card, draw a card. Hero Power: Invest – [1 Mana] Shuffle the three coins into the deck.

Lady Liadrin

Passive: Liadrin's Champion After you cast a spell on a friendly minion, draw a card. It costs (2) less. Once per turn. Hero Power: Endure – [0 Mana] Refresh your mana crystals. Lock this hero power for the specified number of turns.

Sargeras the Destroyer

Passive: The end is near! – At the start of your turn, shuffle a 10-cost spell that deals 30 damage into your deck. Hero Power: Twisted Underworld – [3 Mana] Destroys all minions. Can only be used once.

Elite Tauren Champion

Passive: Keep It Locked! – At the end of your turn, give a random Taunt minion in your hand +2/+2. Hero Power: Riff Raff – [1 Mana] Gain a 2/1 Locker with Taunt. End: Summon it.

Halveria Darkraven

Passive: Exile's Anthem The left-most and right-most cards in your hand cost (1) less. Hero Power: Song of Unrest – [1 Mana] Select a minion and it will take 1 extra damage from all sources this turn.

Heartbreaker Hedanis

Passive: Starstruck When a minion is put into your hand, give it -2 Attack and reduce its cost by (1). Hero Power: Captive Spectator – [2 Mana] Give a minion +2/+2. If it's silenced, draw a card.

Solim Stormlord

Passive: Titanic Surge: Totems have +2 attack power (wherever they are). Hero Power: Control the Storm – [1 Mana] Summon a basic totem, or two if you're an overlord.

Queen Azshara

Passive: Turn the Tides After playing a spell, refresh your mana crystals and switch to Naga. Also swap out your Hero Power. Hero Power: Command of Naga – [1 Mana] Gain a Naga that costs (3) or less. Shifting Tides replaces it. Command Magic – [1 Mana] Gain a spell that costs (3) or less. Shifting Tides replaces it.

Tamsin Rome

Passive: Perfumed Phylactery You have two lives. After you die, your Hero Power deals damage instead of summoning demons. Hero Power: Blood Pact – [2 Mana] Take 1 damage. Summon a 1/1 demon. Increases each turn. Soulbound – [2 Mana] Take 1 damage. Deal 1 damage. Increases each turn. Diamond Unclasp Update

Starting with patch 29.6, most diamond cards will be able to be dismantled for the same value as golden cards. As with other card qualities, diamond cards that can't be dismantled are specially granted cards, such as cards on the reward track or cards included in golden mini-sets. As with signature cards, diamond cards will continue to be unable to be crafted. This is because diamond cards remain the exciting and special cards they are.

Matchmaking Updates

Previously, matchmaking on ranked ladders was based on your internal rating (commonly known as MMR) while you had bonus stars, and then based on ladder rank after you no longer had bonus stars. Going forward, matchmaking will continue to be based on internal rating even after you no longer have bonus stars. This change should reduce matchmaking complexity and result in more consistent and fair matches across ladders.

Passive XP Grant Adjustments

As part of our ongoing effort to combat bots and unfair play patterns, we've reduced the XP rewards for long periods of inactivity. This change does not affect players who perform normal game actions on their turn, such as playing cards, attacking, or pressing the end turn button, so most players will not see a change in XP earned; they'll just see less bots wasting their time.

Bug fixes and game improvements

[General] Updated minimum specs to require 64-bit support.
[Hearthstone] Fixed a bug that caused the “Complete Deck” button to disappear.
[Hearthstone] Fixed a bug that caused persistent effects like Sigils and Auras to not stack when replayed by cards like Tess Greymane or Jotun Eternal.
[Hearthstone] Khadgar's magic Wisdom Ball is now more useful when you can't target all enemy characters.
[Hearthstone] Fixed a bug that could cause the client to temporarily freeze when playing Boom Wrench.
[Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where the Return Policy could find cards with an out-of-policy Deathrattle attached. Also fixed a visual bug where the main character of the Golden Return Policy was missing, but is now returned.
[Hearthstone] Fixed a bug that caused TNT copied by Jotun the Eternals' effect to hit the enemy side instead of the Jotuns' side.
[Hearthstone] Fixed a bug that caused Treants and Piranha Swarmers with different art pieces to be treated as different minions.
[Hearthstone] Fixed a bug that allowed “Cast when drawn” cards shuffled into the deck with rune decorations to target minions that were functionally dead.
[Hearthstone] Fixed a bug that could cause Proving Grounds to cause an incorrect attack if one of the minions transformed or changed zones during the attack.
[Hearthstone] Fixed a bug that caused Arcanite Rippers' effect to only trigger once if you dealt damage and healed at the same time.
[Hearthstone] Fixed a bug that prevented Banana from growing funny mustaches, and a related bug that prevented Lemonia, the Living Blades weapon form, from growing funny mustaches.
[Hearthstone] Fixed a bug that caused Poisoned Blade to not work with Sing-Along Buddy.
[Hearthstone] Fixed a bug that caused cards like Spirit of the Dragonhawk and Wickerclaw to not work with Sing-Along Buddy.
[Hearthstone] Fixed various minor visual bugs in the Whizbangs Heroes Twist user interface.
[Hearthstone] Fixed a visual bug where the card would turn into Malygos with Wave of Nostalgia and cosplay as random other minions.
[Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug with Aranna Starseeker and Queen Azshara's transformations and added them back to the hero pool.
[Battlegrounds] Minions that had Poison or Stealth but lost them before dying in combat will have them again when resummoned by Cultist SThara.
[Battlegrounds] Renos Were Gonna be Rich! can no longer target Putricides Creations.
[Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug that caused Polarizing Beatboxer to not gain Taunt if magnetized after empowering a magnetic minion.
[Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug that caused the turn timer and rope to be out of sync during the Tavern phase.
[Battlegrounds] Fixed a visual bug where undead summoned in combat by Greyboughs' hero power would not display the undead buff.
[Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug that caused Putricides Creations to look different from a teammate's perspective.
[Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug that caused out-of-sync.
[Solo Content] Fixed various Boomsday puzzles that became unsolvable due to card updates.
[Localization] Fixed various localization issues between languages, as well as various other bug fixes and game improvements.




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