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Why PC giants like AMD, Intel, and Qualcomm need Apple's AI efforts to succeed

Why PC giants like AMD, Intel, and Qualcomm need Apple's AI efforts to succeed


Ryan Shrout

Apple's consumer AI floats all boats as long as Microsoft is at the helm

Apple will help standardize the most controversial part of the consumer AI revolution: the collection and use of deeper, more personal data.

Apple (AAPL) has revealed one of tech's worst-kept secrets: its plans to integrate AI into its consumer products. Everything from Macs to iPads to iPhones (oddly enough, this doesn't include the recently released Vision Pro, the older HomePod, or the Apple TV) will get some of the “Apple Intelligence” features coming later this fall.

It may seem counterintuitive, but the entire AI PC and AI smartphone ecosystem is rooting for Apple to succeed. AMD (AMD), Intel (INTC) and Qualcomm (QCOM) need Apple's efforts to work to sell chips, while OEMs like Samsung (KR:005930), Dell Technologies (DELL), HP (HPQ) and Lenovo (HK:992) need Apple's efforts to work to sell devices and services to consumers. Why are so many competitors looking to Apple in this space? Because AI will be something consumers want, not something they fear.

How will Apple help make this happen? The Apple Intelligence tagline directly targets where Apple believes the rest of the consumer market is failing: simplicity. Described as “AI for us,” the tagline is about leveraging full vertical product integration — from silicon to devices to software to the most popular apps on those platforms — to create the most robust and directly applicable AI feature set for consumers.

No other company puts as much effort into marketing as Apple.

No company is putting more effort into marketing it than Apple, and while Apple Intelligence capabilities are currently available to consumers through a variety of services like OpenAI ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, and Google Gemini, Apple could take it mainstream and make it part of the daily workflow for iPhone and Mac users.

None of this will be shocking to anyone who has been following AI advancements over the past six months. For everyone else, Apple could be the gateway to understanding and adopting AI to a much larger and more financially vested audience.

Apple seems to do what it always does: best articulate the benefits to its customers of features and technologies that it didn't invent or bring to market first. Its demos and explanations of how Apple Intelligence will change the way we use our iPhones and MacBooks are spot on, illustrating how AI can begin to improve the computing experience across all consumer devices. This is something Apple has perfected over decades of releasing iPhones: taking a technology or feature that might have been introduced by Samsung, Microsoft (MSFT), or others, and making it interesting and original enough to inspire its vast consumer tech audience.

It's easy to say that Microsoft Windows and Alphabet's (GOOGL) Google Android have already “lost” the battle for consumer AI, but the fact is that Apple's standardization of these features and new ways of interacting with users has made the odds better for everyone. I've been a supporter of what Microsoft has done with Copilot+ PC — bringing a minimum standard of AI capabilities and performance to the PC space — and I still believe this will create a supercycle of PC upgrades over the next 12 months. Apple getting in on the game with similar features and similar messaging means there will be less criticism and disdain for competitors' efforts.

Apple is also helping to standardize the most contentious part of the consumer AI revolution: the collection and use of deeper, more personal data. Apple Intelligence, like Copilot+ PC, relies on a much more powerful understanding of you: your likes and dislikes, your schedule, your messages, your emails, your friend groups, your purchases, and more. If you want a truly useful and engaging AI assistant, the AI ​​needs to know all about your events and relationships.

Just as we have come to trust ourselves with providing our credit card and Social Security information online, once the public has overcome these concerns and it proves that security and privacy can be adequately maintained, consumer AI will become commonplace, boosting sales and revenue for laptop and smartphone manufacturers.

Ryan Shrout is President of Signal65 and founder of Shrout Research. Follow him at X @ryanshrout. Shrout provides consulting services to AMD, Qualcomm, Intel, Arm Holdings, Micron Technology, Nvidia, and more. Shrout owns shares in Intel.

Plus: What investors get wrong about Apple's AI strategy

Also read: Apple's new AI-powered service is everything you'd expect from Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa

-Ryan Shrout

This content was produced by MarketWatch, an operation of Dow Jones & Co. MarketWatch is published independently of Dow Jones Newswires and The Wall Street Journal.

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06-18-24 1445ET

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