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Virginia Tech team prepares for rainforest race | Virginia Tech News

Virginia Tech team prepares for rainforest race | Virginia Tech News


Allen shared some expectations and perspectives ahead of the event.

How are you feeling?

I'm really, really excited, a little nervous, and totally insane.

What are you most excited about?

I'm excited to see what we find. How many species will we see? I don't think anyone has ever deployed so many different types of survey data in the forest at the same time. Most people who work in the Amazon have very specific questions about certain species, but this is on a whole different scale.

“I'm also excited to see what possibilities new technologies will open up. The competition allowed me to integrate multiple research fields in a comprehensive way.”

Hopefully, this will show us how to survey biodiversity quickly, because the reality is we need to survey faster. We needed this impetus. The world is changing and we need to survey now, and we need to survey fast.

Why is this important?

Species are disappearing before they can be studied. Without a way to survey forests quickly, species aren't there to be studied. This tension underpins everything I do.

The competition combines fundamental science and emerging technologies to better understand the value of rainforests in their current state.

How did you prepare last semester?

We're working on each of the different data streams, developing the tools to collect and process them, and having the right people on the ground to make it all happen.

Our undergraduate interns have been in the lab this semester learning DNA sequencing techniques. What they learned in one semester is astronomical. I learned a lot of what they learned during their PhDs. Two of them will be competing with us.

How do you plan to take care of yourself while competing?

Although we know where everyone will be during these 72 hours, we still need to decide how and when we will eat and sleep. We will probably do it in shifts. As we tell our undergraduates, it takes effort, but it also takes care of yourself: take a breather, stay hydrated, and wear bug spray. Sustainability isn't just for the forests, it's for us.

What is the most important item on your packing list?

We bring an entire DNA lab to the site. It's very expensive and we pack it in our checked luggage. It's scary. But we've done it before during pilots.

If you could get an answer to just one of your biggest questions, what would it be?

We want to get a better picture of how the forest works together. When we know that a particular species is present, what does that mean for the forest? By taking a huge snapshot of the forest at a particular point in time, we can get a lot more information about how all the species are working together.

How long do you plan to work with this data after the fact?


Any final words?

We're ready, we've tested as much as we can, we have a plan, and we can't wait to represent Virginia Tech and show what we've got.

Virginia Teach Team Members Julie Allen, assistant professor of biological sciences Niyomi House, National Science Foundation postdoctoral researcher, biological sciences, DNA technology lead Isabella Burgos, DNA operations manager Daniella Campos, fourth-year biological sciences major, lab and field DNA technician Kanna Yelkes, second-year biological sciences major, lab and field DNA technician Brianna Bartelbau, second-year biological sciences major, lab DNA technician Jayden Cosby, third-year Water Resources, Policy, Management and Environmental Data Science double major, lab DNA technician National and international collaborators

The team includes researchers and experts from Colorado Mesa University, Outreach Robotics, University of Nevada, Reno, Montral University, University of Florida, Icesi University, Yanayak Biological Institute, and Federal University of Parang.




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