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University of Arizona innovation powerhouses combine to strengthen impact in Arizona

University of Arizona innovation powerhouses combine to strengthen impact in Arizona


Tech Launch Arizona and Arizona FORGE have joined forces to further integrate student engagement into the university’s innovation ecosystem.

Tech Launch Arizona, the University of Arizona's commercialization arm, will consolidate resources and programs previously managed by Arizona FORGE and focus on building opportunities for enterprising student entrepreneurs while further strengthening Arizona's entrepreneurial ecosystem. FORGE was a division of the university dedicated to providing students with hands-on start-up experience and opportunities to develop their entrepreneurial mindset.

TLA has a long history of success supporting innovation and commercialization at the university, and this move will expand its portfolio to provide entrepreneurial support to students in addition to the U of A faculty, researchers and staff the office currently serves. Over the past decade, TLA has worked with inventors to register more than 3,000 inventions and launched more than 140 startups leveraging intellectual property developed at the university. The office has also facilitated more than 600 licensing cases of U of A inventions to companies that have brought those inventions to market.

“We are excited to combine the power of TLA and FORGE to build a stronger, streamlined innovation ecosystem that starts with the student experience,” said Elliott Cheu, interim senior vice chancellor for research and innovation. “This combination will ensure that all members of our community, from students to seasoned researchers, have access to the services and expertise they need to bring their ideas to life.”

According to a recent impact study by Round Consulting focusing on activity from 2017 to 2022, startup and business activity in TLA has supported more than 2,500 jobs and generated more than $1.6 billion in economic activity for the region.

Building on that foundation, under the leadership of new Student Ventures Director Derick Maggard, the student-centered program maintains the original core services for student entrepreneurs and is now enhanced by TLA's extensive resources, including a commercialization network of more than 500 expert volunteers, TLA's Best Practices Venture Mentoring Services program, training for science-minded entrepreneurs through the National Science Foundation Innovation Corps (NSF I-Corps), and professional staff with decades of experience in technology commercialization, intellectual property protection, and high-tech entrepreneurship. The new student-centered program places a special emphasis on undergraduate students.

TLA Vice President Doug Hochstad is excited and optimistic about the office’s development.

Our work has led to national recognition of the U of A as a leader in technology commercialization, but like other commercialization offices, we have historically focused primarily on university-owned intellectual property. This is a natural evolution of the services we provide to our incredible students who are interested in entrepreneurship and developing their ideas into startups. This is a new challenge and a great opportunity for growth for TLA, and Derick and the team are committed to it.

A seasoned entrepreneur, Maggard has a diverse background that includes business development, strategic partnerships, investments, operations, marketing, and new business management. Prior to his work at TLA, Maggard served as Executive Director of the Apex Center for Entrepreneurs at Virginia Tech for nine years, where he built connections between the university, student entrepreneurs, and local businesses. Maggard has mentored numerous startups to launch and achieve significant milestones.

“The launch of this new student-centered program marks a pivotal step in our mission, providing unparalleled resources, mentorship and support to inspire and develop the next generation of leaders who will make a real-world impact,” Maggard said. “I'm thrilled to lead this effort alongside a dynamic team whose expertise and passion will be crucial in helping students take action, overcome challenges and achieve remarkable success.”

TLA offers students the opportunity to discover, learn and practice entrepreneurship through its Student Ventures program, and Maggard is excited to deliver the message to all U of A students.

If you want to join a community of fellow entrepreneurs, receive expert support, and experience innovative programming, TLA Student Ventures is the place to be, he says: “We provide hands-on experience and collaboration opportunities to empower you and explore how far your ideas can go.”

For more information, contact Derick Maggard or subscribe to the monthly TLA newsletter.




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