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The new sword and shield Pokémon event will unlock version exclusive Pokémon for a limited time only!


Pokemon sword and Shield fans are thrilled because a new event was unveiled today, unlocking Pokemon sword exclusives Pokemon shield, and vice versa – but there is a catch; it is only available for a limited time.

(Photo: Pokémon / Facebook)
The Wild Area is full of surprises this month!

A new event?

The event was first revealed by Serebii, where they said it would take place today until March 26.

Additionally, the event, known as the Pokedex completion event, is specified as a Max Raid battle event, so players must head to the wilderness to join and have a chance to complete their Pokedex.

According to SlashGear, those who have the Pokemon sword version can catch Shield exclusive, including Corsola, Mandibuzz, Oranguru and Ponyta. On the other hand, Pokemon shield players can catch Sword exclusives, including Braviary, Farfetch’d, Passimian and Darumaka.

Besides these exclusive Pokémon, a few other Pokémon will appear more in the wilderness, including Snorlax, the Machop line and the Gastly line.

A full list of Pokémon available during this event is available from Serebii. site.

The tradition of the monster trade

However, it seems that not all of the exclusive versions will be available during this event, as well as the possible appearances of the legendary Pokémon, according to Eurogamer.

But, that’s understandable, given that the exclusive Pokemon version is created to encourage players to trade with those who have the opposite version or maybe get both versions of the game.

Apparently this is also the first time this has happened.

Additionally, Nintendo and The Pokemon Company have not yet announced or confirmed the event, but you’ll want to head over to The Wild Area and see if you can catch one of these exclusives.

Read also: How to get Pokemon Go Raid rewards at home: Italians have found a way!

More events currently taking place at The Wild Area

Meanwhile, the current Wild Area event where you can catch a Gigantamax version of Snorlax, Gengar and Machamp is still available until March 26.

The three monsters will spawn more frequently each time you join Max Raids.

This is your second chance to catch a Gigantamax Snorlax, which has appeared in the game before.

In addition, you still have time to acquire in-game gifts, including 20 free battle points and a free bottle cap with the mystery gift. Pokemon sword and Shield players will have this chance until the end of the month.

There are also a few other Max Raid events currently underway, according to GameSpot.

For example, you can team up with three other trainers via the Internet or locally, and your group will face a Dynamax Pokémon together so that it can have its hidden ability, which is by far the only way to get these kinds of monsters in the Game.

Pokemon sword and Shield Latest patch

In related news, Pokemon sword and Shield recently released the latest game update.

The fix included several fixes, including the bug that caused games to crash every time you received a “hacked” Pokemon via Surprise Trade, which allows players to trade with other players around the world.

The problem first appeared in February, Newsweek’s report.

Pokemon sword and Shield are available on Nintendo Switch and a new DLC will be available in June.

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