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10 ways to prepare new events and banners

10 ways to prepare new events and banners


Genshin Impact has been around for some time and is a wild vehicle for now. People have reached their highest adventure ranks, sub-Reddit is constantly angry about its resin system, and a series of new events and banners have already been released. In addition, like Diona, there were constant leaks / rumors about characters from the upcoming public beta.

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Especially when it comes to banners, Beginners Banner featuring Noelle, Standard Wish Banner (Wanderlust Invocation) and The Ballad In Goblets Bannerthan passed most of October. But now it’s clay time. Here are some tips for players who are already preparing for:

10 Make a big pile of primogems

Now, let’s start with the most obvious, save those primogems. Save as much as you can humanly for the day when the new banner will drop. Grind your adventure ranks, open random chests, unlock achievements, and apply some promo codes as needed. Not only does this allow players to wish as many times as they need to get what they need in the new banner, but it also helps to quickly and easily shatter events such as Elemental Crucible.

Fate of both types of 9 Hordes

We know that this doesn’t have to be a hint, but somehow save those destinies. This means that the Genshin Impact will not open at all until the new banner, if there is no temptation to Wish. This means cashing out all Star Glitter and Stardust for Fate, all Primogems for Fate, and clearing all AR rank-up rewards that give Fate. From time to time, even the developers themselves distribute them as they did Primogems for maintenance. In addition, there are rewards for Battle Pass fate. I can’t forget them. Perform daily, weekly, and monthly BP missions.

8 Keep a pile of Primo for resin refresh

As I mentioned briefly earlier, primogems are not only used for wishes, but also for exactly 60 refreshes of the original resin. The only problem is that while restoring 60 resin each time, the cost of refreshing the resin multiple times on the same day increases with each attempt. The initial cost is limited to 50 primogems, then 100 for refreshes 2 and 3, then 150, and finally 200 gems for refreshes 5 and 6. And when it’s refreshed 6 times, it’s no more. Well, this is so expensive that we don’t recommend players updating at least twice a day, perhaps up to three times. Still, whether this helps with the event, or if the developer is already working on a potential fix, it sheds light on the considerable flaws in the Resin system.

7PlanOut Play session with friends

So far, there was only one event focused on the Genshin Impact Cooperative, which was Elemental Crucible. Now that the game was released on September 28th, they didn’t spend a lot of time doing these events, and much more is definitely imminent. With that in mind, what helped us to reach Elemental Crucible was planning a game session with our friends.

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It’s not much different from using a matchmaking system (some people don’t agree), but it’s better to smash the Crucible 20 times for an event achievement with a friend who works with us. It was much easier when talking to.

Set up a 64-star and 5-star sympathy system

Well, this new Clay Banner confirmed something to the player, and it was the fact that the Pitymechanic built into the Genshin Impact gacha system wasn’t as bad as people thought. Initially, the guaranteed 10-roll 4-star (wish) and 90-roll 5-star were supposed to be separated separately between all banners. If this is true, it means that a player who rolls 9 times on the Venti Banner will have to roll 10 times to get the 4 stars guaranteed by the Klee Banner. But how it actually works is that the Pity System just separates the limited-time banner from the default banner. This means that 100% of players have rolled the Venti Banner 89 times (and didn’t get 5 stars). Earn 5 stars on the first roll of the Clay Banner. Therefore, set them up in advance for future banners.

5 Stockpile and crush fragile resin

Fragile resins should be collected for much the same reason that we recommended collecting primogems. This allows players to shatter resin-related events longer within the same session. However, fragile resin has no upper limit on how many times it can be used in a day, and it is an item that does not use primogem. Players will be rewarded with fragile resin for some domains, some quests, certain events, and in some cases email rewards. By now, players who have been playing since launch and haven’t used anything should have about 50-60 fragile resins. In other words, only about 3600 resins are piercing the inventory.

4 Pre-farm banner character ascension / talent materials

Many of the characters that are expected to be released soon were characters that could be played in the beta version of the game. Characters such as Xiao, Klee and Zhongli. Players who had the opportunity to experience the game at that time then identified the exact materials these characters used to level up / up. They published that information on the web and now anyone can easily find it. So if the player is 100% positive, we will win clay during the banner event. Would you like to grind your talent book and ascension material in advance?

3 Grind a book of money and experience

Speaking of crushing (all of Genshin Impact), players should crush the EXP book and Mora’s ley line while crushing the material they expect to use. Players are advised to get Mora and books in advance, as new characters and weapons will require both of these huge chunks, especially talent books, to reach a decent level.

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Also, if you don’t want to do a ley line, BP has a monetary reward for every 3 levels, so players can also perform Battle Pass missions.

2 Get the Battle Pass and Welkin Moon

Of course, this is a free-to-play game, so you don’t have to spend money to have fun or prepare your banner. You absolutely don’t have to. But if they enjoyed the game a lot and really wanted clay during this banner, the Welkin Moon 30-day blessing and Battle Pass upgrade could be worth $ 5 or $ 10. Welkin Moon immediately offers players 300 primo gems, and if you purchase a pass and then log in the following month, 90 gems will be added daily. This is a great deal. Battle Pass upgrades, on the other hand, unlock the second tier of rewards for each Battle Pass level. This is insanely useful for those who crave more Mora, EXP items, or talent books.

Open all 1-depth shrines and gorgeous treasure chests

And finally, players who haven’t followed the guide to all the hidden gorgeous chests or haven’t opened all the shrines are advised to do so before the new banner comes out. Each shrine has chests that give 40 primogems (and some great artifacts / strengthening stones), and all gorgeous chests give similar rewards (they are in the same chest layer as the shrine). Therefore, if the player has already cultivated all other possible ways before the new banner / event drops, the domain or story needed to get the keys to these shrines in both Liyue and Monstadt. Completing the mission is absolutely worth it so that players can add more Primogem to their pile of wishes.

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