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The Division 2: Warlords Of New York – Release Notes, Release Date, Equipment Changes, etc.


The Division 2: Warlords of New York is the first major expansion to the online shooter game, which is the largest batch of new content since the game launched in March 2019. As the start of content for year 2 of the game, Warlords of New York will take Players back to New York, the setting for the original game, where you can face familiar enemies while discovering new events that will set the stage for what will happen in the coming year for The Division 2.

Warlords of New York will usher in a new era for The Division 2, and this will bring changes to some of the game's most in-depth mechanics, including loot, leveling, and player exploration. Before the reveal of this expansion, we explored the game to see what was in store for returning players and newcomers. There was a lot to remember, so for a quick reminder, here's a breakdown of what's going to happen with Warlords of New York. (Update: Warlords of New York is now available, as is a major update – see the release notes. If not, read on for an overview of what to expect from the update, how to play it and how to buy it)

What's new in the extension?

Warlords of New York will bring players back to Manhattan, eight months after the first match was first launched. Located in Lower Manhattan, an unexplored space of the first game, you will face a team of rogue agents led by Aaron Keener, a villain back from the original. In addition to battling old factions like cleaners and rikers, you'll also face the team of Keener agents, all of whom use powerful division technology, like a decoy hologram and stickybombs. During the new campaign, you will travel to various areas of Lower Manhattan, which include Battery Park, Twin Bridges, Civic Center and the Financial District. In addition to additional side activities, you can also find new missions to undertake after completing the main story, opening up new endgame content in New York and D.C.

In addition to the new story and new decor, Warlords of New York will introduce revised equipment and power growth systems. With a new maximum level of 40, the speed system and its interface have been changed, keeping some of the most trivial statistics under the hood. The loot has been tweaked to include more types of gear, including the elusive "divine rollers". In addition, the skill and upgrade systems have also undergone some changes. In addition to an endgame leveling system, similar to the Paragon mechanic in Diablo III, the skill and character archetypes have been revised to encourage more diversity with builds.

How to play?

Warlords of New York is a standalone expansion priced at $ 30 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Later in March, Google Stadia will also benefit from the extension. For current owners of the game, you can purchase the expansion when it launches on March 3. For newcomers, you can get the new standard edition of the $ 60 game (currently on sale for $ 40), which includes the base campaign and the Warlords expansion. If you want the full experience of the first year of Division 2, then the ultimate $ 80 edition (currently on sale for $ 53) includes the base game, the upcoming expansion and all DLC missions from year 1 and bonus specializations.

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How can new players access the expansion?

For newcomers to The Division 2, you will be able to dive straight into the expansion as soon as you start the game. When creating your character, you have the option of increasing your new character up to at level 30 and get started directly in the Warlords campaign with a predefined inventory and skills. From here you can jump straight into the new quests and the new environment. After you finish the story of the extension, you can go to D.C. and continue with the existing content.

Pre-order Warlords of New York

Pre-orders are available from the Microsoft Store for all three editions on Xbox One. You can also preorder PC version directly from Ubisoft. PS4 pre-orders are not yet online.

If you're thinking of jumping into The Division 2 when Warlords of New York comes out, both Microsoft Store and PlayStation Store are selling the base game for $ 3 right now.

Xbox One


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Reading in progress: Division 2: Warlords Of New York expansion now online – GS News Update

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