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Google shows ads for anti-coronavirus products


A sign informing customers in different languages, including Chinese, that the respiratory masks are exhausted, is displayed on January 29, 2020 in a pharmacy in downtown Rome, following the coronavirus 2019-nCoV, a virus similar to the pathogen spread of SARS worldwide since its appearance in a market in the central city of Wuhan in China.

Photo by Alberto Pizzoli | AFP | Getty Images

As cases of coronavirus continue to spread worldwide, online advertisements for hand sanitizers, gloves, masks and other products believed to prevent the disease were rampant, and companies are struggling to apply policies that prohibit such advertisements.

As of Wednesday afternoon, Google is running many such ads, even though its policy prohibits ad content that capitalizes on the coronavirus, according to a spokesperson. Products that promise to prevent coronavirus appear in sponsored shopping lists for product searches and in Google display ads that appear on third-party sites.

Google and other big tech companies like Amazon have seen others quickly use their platforms to try to make money from coronavirus problems and have struggled to keep track ahead of the offenders. This is the latest example of how operators of large-scale online platforms sometimes lack the tools or staff to continue the endless game of distress against the people who exploit them.

For example, CNBC saw advertisements for masks posted by Google that promised "protection against the coronavirus" and said that they were "approved by the government to block up to 95% of viruses and bacteria suspended in the air. Limited stock "The photo shows a 3M mask, including direct registration on the website says the product is "[National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health] approved for at least 95 percent filtration efficiency against certain non-oil-based particles." But the actual list is for a site called "MedicalProtex".

Other mask ads claim that they also had "limited stock". Meanwhile, Google's purchase results show hand sanitizers, protective clothing, masks and other products claiming to protect against coronaviruses.

Google says its Shopping ranking are "based on a combination of advertiser bids and relevance, such as your current search terms and activity".

A Google spokesperson highlighted the company's "sensitive events policy" for the ads. Under the policy, the company said it banned content that "may capitalize on events such as a natural disaster, conflict or death". The company said the coronavirus epidemic "falls within the scope of this policy and that we are actively enforcing it on all of our platforms." The spokeswoman also said that the policy applies to YouTube and that the company does not allow creators to monetize videos dealing with sensitive events such as the coronavirus epidemic.

The spokesperson said Google also has a "sensitive events" policy for Shopping that it "proactively applies" and removes ads or articles that violate its policies. The company said it is investigating examples of lists provided by CNBC and will withdraw them on Wednesday afternoon.

Google advertising policies on "Health and drugs"say it prohibits "products not approved by the government that are marketed in a way that implies that they are safe or effective for use in the prevention, treatment or treatment of ; a particular disease or condition. "

MedicalProtex, Ready Made Prime, Demand Gadget and OurTechnologyHome, the companies listed as being behind some of the announcements, did not immediately return requests for comment on Wednesday.

Facebook last week not allowed ads that claim to prevent or cure the coronavirus, or that try to create a sense of urgency around the epidemic, such as promoting a "limited supply" of a product.

Don't buy masks

In the midst of a mask rush in recent weeks, medical experts have tried to warn healthy people who buy masks so that this does not create a shortage of equipment for workers medical.

"Seriously, people stop buying masks!" American general surgeon Jerome Adams said on Twitter this weekend. "They are NOT effective in preventing the general public from catching the coronavirus, but if health professionals cannot get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!"

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has stated that there is no evidence to support the wearing of masks.

Everywhere else, regulators have started to crack down on mask ads. The Advertising Standards Authority of the United Kingdombanning ads from two companies for being "misleading, irresponsible and capable of causing fear without good reason," reported the BBC.

The Trade Desk, a demand side platform, said its advertising guidelines did not allow advertisers to use its platform to display deceptive, inaccurate or misleading advertisements. CNBC has not seen any advertising related to the company's coronavirus.

"In addition, our customers are leading brands, such as the best Fortune 500 companies, who understand the dangers of misleading advertising," said a Trade Desk spokesperson. "The Trade Desk is not used by those looking to quickly profit from a crisis."

Digital media company Conversant also highlighted its own policies, which prohibit "sensationalism of natural disasters and / or any false, false or sensationalist headline or press article" and over the counter drugs not approved by the FDA. CNBC also has not seen any ads related to the company's coronavirus.

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