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How to find Google DVD Screensaver Easter Eggs


Another Google Easter Egg is here, this time inspired by a DVD screensaver. Here’s how to find the latest hidden treats in your search:

Google has a new DVD screensaver Easter egg that you can access by search. Google is generally familiar with Easter eggs, some of which have disappeared since they were released many years ago, and some of which remain online and are still available today. With the latest DVD theme, Google offers a bit of movie nostalgia to those who may have moved to streaming since then.

Like most, the Internet has changed the way people consume television shows and movies. But there was a time when it was all DVDs and the same format that CDs did for music was done for video. Consumers had to deal with regional differences, but often packed with extras, DVDs offered better value. Even today, DVD movie execution times are different in the United Kingdom than in the United States.

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To enable Easter eggs, users simply go to and enter a DVD screensaver. At that point, the Google logo moves away from the normal top left position of the search page, moves diagonally across the screen, then bounces to the other side and continues to move indefinitely. Each time you touch the side of the screen, the logo will change color, similar to the original DVD screensaver. For reference, Easter eggs are only available on the desktop and will not work on mobile devices.

For many, those reversions to the DVD era

Despite the rise of streaming, DVDs and players are still available for purchase. However, as many people switch from discs to the Internet, DVD screen savers have more memory. If you don’t remember, or haven’t encountered the behavior of the DVD player yet, like today’s screen savers, when the DVD player goes to hibernation or sleep, the screen saver will be activated and the DVD logo will bounce off the screen. .. .. This action is exactly what the Google logo imitates on the latest Easter eggs. The Google version doesn’t really offer the same benefits that the original DVD screensaver tried to offer, but it’s still another Easter egg worth checking out.

As already mentioned, Easter eggs are a popular pastime on Google, and there are quite a few movie-related ones. So far, Google has adopted The Avengers with the ability to perform Thanos snaps in search results and the option to convert the page to a sepia-toned version with The Wizard of Oz’s Easter egg. However, for now, users must either use a DVD screensaver or take part in a quick round of Atari Breakout.

Next: How to Find and Play Atari Breakout Easter Eggs on Google Search

Source: Google

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About the author John Finn (712 articles published)

John has been writing for the Internet since 2014, focusing on the lines where technology meets the film and television industry. John is a British graduate psychologist and currently lives in the United States. Prior to moving to writing online, he worked as an airline reviewer in the aviation industry. After moving to the United States, Johns’ reviews moved from airlines to smartphones, streaming devices, and television-related services. John now enjoys the fact that he can combine movies with two of his favorite hobbies: technology. Johns’ favorite movie genres are mostly summarized in almost every movie, horror, sci-fi, thriller, and ensemble cast. The best place to follow John is on Twitter.

Other works by John Finn

What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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