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How Google’s new killer Google Maps feature knows you’re braking hard

How Google’s new killer Google Maps feature knows you’re braking hard


For example, Google Maps no longer suggests the fastest route to a particular destination, but looks for the route with the lowest carbon dioxide emissions. In other words, Google wants to help drivers reduce fuel consumption, and configuring Google Maps to provide more efficient routes is one way to do this.

But earlier this month, Google came up with another great innovation for navigation apps.

This time, Google Maps can determine when the driver is suddenly braking. This usually means that you are more likely to crash and provide others with an alternative route that you think is safer. Why Google Thinks This Is Required feature First and foremost, why is this such a big update for both Google Maps and its users?

If one car on the road slows down sharply, the driver of the car behind must act fast and brake hard, eventually forcing the next car to do the same. Therefore, the chances of an accident are greatly increased, especially if it occurs at high speeds.

Search companies explain that adding the ability to determine routes that drivers are likely to brake on Google Maps can significantly improve the safety of public roads. If this Google Maps is properly implemented and drivers follow safer routes, it could eliminate over 100 million hard braking events each year. How Google Maps Determines Routes with Hard Braking Before Google Maps provides drivers with a safe route, the application is first needed to determine where the roads the driver is likely to brake are on. .. To do this, the company looks at the data collected from drivers running Google Maps, and Google is particularly interested in two different sets of information.

First and foremost, it’s the data generated by the sensors bundled with your mobile device. For example, sensors such as accelerometers and gyroscopes can help determine when a sudden deceleration has occurred and provide valuable data for this feature.

But on the other hand, Google itself admits that relying solely on sensors is dangerous. This is because there are many events that can cause a sudden deceleration and that look like the moment you apply the brakes. One such example is someone simply dropping their cell phone into a cup holder. Such a simple move can cause Google Maps to believe that you have stepped on the brakes, give a false alarm, and ultimately make the new feature quite inaccurate.

However, Google uses a smart system to process information based on the route Google Maps is using, either on the phone or on the car display, if you are using something like Android Auto. When a hard braking event is signaled by a cell phone sensor, Google’s new AI-based system can look exactly at what happened on Google Maps and determine if traveling along the route suddenly slows down. I will.

In addition, AI systems have evolved further with more advanced features, allowing you to use the same route to collect data from nearby devices to better understand the triggers of hard braking.

Google is also ready to use this approach as AI-trained systems say they will analyze areas where some hard braking events have been reported to identify their causes. I am.

“For example, if there is a sudden increase in hard braking events along the route at certain times when people are likely to be driving towards the sun’s glare, the system will detect and replace those events. We can provide routes, “explains Google.

The new features will be available on both Android and iPhone, not to mention providing a safer route in the car when setting up navigation.

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