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4.7 magnitude earthquake hits parts of Balochistan in Pakistan


QUETTA (Dunia News) – An average earthquake of 4.7 magnitude hit parts of Balochistan on Saturday.

The earthquake hit the provincial capital Quetta, Zob and other cities and towns.

However, no loss of life was initially reported.

earthquake secret

Earthquakes are a natural disaster that has claimed millions of lives around the world. According to experts, the Earth’s crust consists of three large plates. The first layer is called Eurasian, the second is Indian and the third is Arabic. When heat builds up underground, these plates slide. The ground shakes and this condition is called an earthquake. The earthquake waves strike in a circle.

Earthquakes or volcanic eruptions are more common in the areas where these plates meet. Experts say that once a major earthquake occurs in the area, there could be another major earthquake. Two-thirds of Pakistan’s territory lies on fault lines, which could cause an earthquake in these areas at any time.

Cities from Karachi to Islamabad, Quetta to Peshawar, Makran to Abbottabad and Gilgit to Chitral were affected by the earthquake, with Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan being the most sensitive areas. Pakistan is the fifth earthquake-prone country in the world.

Pakistan lies on the northern boundary of the Indian plate where it meets the Eurasian plate. The sinking of the Eurasian plate and the advancement of the Indian plate continued for millions of years. All fault lines running under two-thirds of Pakistan’s territory run intermittently or intermittently moderate earthquakes.

Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan are located on the last northern border of the Indian plate, so these areas are considered the most sensitive. Major cities such as Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Jhelum and Chakwal are included in the third district. The underground cities of Quetta, Chaman, Loralai, and Mastung lie on the western bank of the Indian Plate, hence also called the High-Risk Zone or Zone IV.

Some coastal areas of Sindh, including Karachi, lie in the dangerous fault line zone. This coastal area is located at the intersection of 3 plates, which poses a risk of earthquakes and tidal waves.

Experts say that the regions of Upper Sindh and central Punjab in Pakistan are not only on the fault line, so these areas can be considered earthquake-safe.

On the other hand, in ancient times, strange traditions and stories were attributed to earthquakes. As we heard in our childhood, a huge bull raised the ground above one of its horns. When he changes his horn, an earthquake occurs.

Greek myths tell of an earthquake when Poseidon, the god of the sea, pierced the earth with his spear. The ancient Greek philosophers believed that the earth was full of gases. When the gases try to escape, an earthquake occurs.

Until the 18th century, Western scientists, including Newton, supported the idea that earthquakes were caused by the explosion of combustible materials in the Earth’s crust.

The layers of rock in the Earth’s crust are in constant motion, and when they slide out of place, there is intense pressure on their edges, and when this pressure occurs they reach a certain level, says John Weddell, an expert at the University of South Carolina in Los Angeles. When it arrives, it appears as an earthquake.

Earthquakes damage things on the Earth’s surface. Collapse of buildings and other structures. The roads are off. Trees and electricity poles collapse. If there are rivers or lakes in the affected area, their location may change. There may be cracks in the mountains.

The epicenter was reported below the ocean floor; No tsunami warning was issued. The epicenter was reported underground; No tsunami warning was issued.

The layers of rock beneath some parts of the Earth are of such a nature that they are relatively mobile. Therefore, earthquakes occur frequently in these areas. Some countries and regions are located in the earthquake zone. They include New Zealand, Indonesia, the Philippines, Japan, Russia, the Pacific coast of North America, Central America, Peru, and Chile. Similarly, many parts of the Pacific Ocean are also included in the areas where there is a risk of more earthquakes.

What is the Richter scale?

The Richter scale is a scale used to measure the magnitude of an earthquake. The inventor of the Richter scale is Charles Richter, an American scientist who introduced a device in 1935 that could measure earthquakes on a scale of 1 to 10.

earthquake types

Earthquakes are generally divided into three types. Earthquakes less than four on the Richter scale are called mild or weak earthquakes because no greater damage is expected.

An earthquake with a magnitude of four and less than six is ​​called a moderate earthquake, and it can cause minor damage, such as cracking sugar bowls and plates. Earthquakes measuring 6 to 7 on the Richter scale can damage buildings. When the strength of an earthquake exceeds 8 degrees, it can become catastrophic. Buildings can be reduced to rubble, and roads and railways can be damaged.

What do you do in an earthquake?

In the event of an earthquake, move to an open area outside the building immediately. If it is not possible to go outside, take cover under a table or other similar object to protect yourself from potential debris falling from the ceiling or walls. Stay away from windows, heavy furniture, and large appliances during an earthquake.


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