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Live Updates: Miami-Area Condo CollapseExBulletin

Live Updates: Miami-Area Condo CollapseExBulletin


Search and rescue teams work among the rubble of the Champlain Towers further south in Surfside, Florida. Rescuers battle fires, smoke and a complex debris field as they search for survivors. Gerald Herbert / AP .

Switch caption Gerald Herbert/Associated Press

Search and rescue teams work among the rubble of the Champlain Towers further south in Surfside, Florida. Rescuers battle fires, smoke and a complex debris field as they search for survivors.

Gerald Herbert/AFP

Rescue efforts are still underway in South Florida. Search and rescue workers and paramedics retrieved four bodies from a 12-storey building that partially collapsed early Thursday morning.

But 159 people are still unaccounted for as of Saturday. Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniela Levine Cava remains optimistic that more survivors will be found, although none have been found in at least 24 hours.

“We still have hope,” she said Saturday morning. “We are continuing to search. We are looking for people alive under the rubble. This is our priority and our teams did not stop. Hour after hour all night they were working.”

Some of those people who work all night are members of Florida Task Force-1, based in Miami-Dade County. It is one of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s urban search and rescue units used for disaster deployment around the world.

Since the task force was created in the early 1980s, it has responded to the 1985 Mexico City earthquake and Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans as well as the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing and the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. .

They have seen everything.

This group of first-class professionals is made up primarily of Miami-Dade Fire Rescue members, with outside specialists as needed, according to the group. FL-TF1 is only one of 28 important urban search and rescue organizations capable of rapidly deploying to aid in natural and man-made disasters.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) says each task force is made up of 70 professionals — including the teams of dogs used to help identify survivors — which can split into two groups of 35 people who take turns in 12-hour shifts. Each unit also comes complete with a spacious equipment stash. FL-TF1 brings its own 10-day rations, housing facilities, hazardous materials control equipment, a suite of research tools and medical equipment.

Total payload is 50,000 lbs.

Now, FL-TF1 is desperately working alongside several other Task Force units—including another in South Florida, Florida Task Force II, and rescue workers from Mexico and Israel—in the town of Surfside of 6,000 people, on Just seven miles north of Miami Beach.

The families and friends of 159 people supposedly buried under 30 feet of rubble are still anxiously awaiting updates from authorities on the massive mission.

But conditions became more difficult. As of Saturday morning, firefighters were still unable to find the source of the fire in the depths of the pile of debris. As a result, the smoke hampered an already complex search and rescue mission.

Alan Kominsky, president of Rescue Miami-Dade, described the operation as “strategic and systematic.” Rescuers use all the tools at their disposal, including sonar, thermal imaging technology, dog units and boots on the ground to continue the search.

“Research with this kind of breakdown is very difficult,” he told reporters Friday evening. “With this equipment coming in, we’ll use it to help move certain pieces of debris. We can’t move them all at once. It has to be a very slow process.”

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