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‘Clueless’ Kamala Harris explodes after not visiting the border crisis ‘earthquake’


Vice President Kamala Harris still faced criticism over the weekend over his recent trip to El Paso, Texas.

Congressman from Texas, Gonzalez, in response to El Paso’s visit to the Harris border: “Now what?”

On Friday, Harris visited the El Paso border facility nearly 100 days after he was appointed by President Joe Biden to tackle the immigration crisis on the southern border.

At a press conference, Harris is touting the Biden administration’s “extreme progress” in addressing the surge in immigration, despite inheriting the “dire conditions” of the “catastrophic effects” of the Trump administration’s border policy. I did.

When asked why he’s visiting El Paso and not in a hard-hit area like the Rio Grande Valley strip, Harris said El Paso has many of Trump’s policies such as the stay in Mexico policy and the child separation policy. I explained it was where it was, and it was done.

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Republican Texas Senator John Cornyn shared the New York Post on Twitter Saturday with the headline “Why Photography Trips to the Kamala Border Don’t Much Help Delay the Wave of Immigrants” and “The Ignorant of El Paso.” Before the title with the addition of the word.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who will visit the border with former President Donald Trump on Wednesday, posted another tweet from Cornyn, citing a Sunday post. He added that Harris “has not spoken to the people of Texans, whose homes have been broken into, guns have been swung, and property destroyed by cross-border gangsters and cartel members.”

“She didn’t speak to a family devastated by fentanyl smuggled into Texas,” Abbott continued. “She doesn’t care.”

Texas Senator Ted Cruz said El Paso is a “vibrant frontier community” but not a “crisis epicenter.”

“The epicenter of the crisis…800 miles away in the Rio Grande Valley,” Cruz told Jesse Waters of Fox News. “The reason she doesn’t go to the Rio Grande Valley is because there’s a Biden cage there. There’s a little boy and a little girl on the floor, no cribs, no mats, no cribs. Wrapped in a reflective emergency blanket. They line up one by one. There are facilities with a positive rate. For COVID it’s 10%. What Kamala and Joe Biden desperately wanted to avoid was that TV cameras were filming kids. Biden’s cage. So she said she went as far as possible to Texas and went to the border.”

He argues that Harris offered no solution or answer during the press conference, and that the rising number of immigrants halted the construction of border walls, reinstated the “catch-and-release” policy, and upended Mexico’s stay-in policy. He claimed that this was due to the decision of the Biden administration. “It has produced the lowest rate of illegal immigration in 45 years,” Cruz said.

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More than 180,000 migrants were arrested at the southern border in May, and their number increased by more than 178,000 in April and 173,000 in March. All of these represent record heights. March saw a significant increase from the 100,000 immigrants encountered in February.

In May 2020, the height of the coronavirus pandemic, we encountered more than 23,000 migrants, and in May 2019 we encountered nearly 144,000.

Fox News Adam Shaw contributed to this report

‘Ignorant’ Kamala Harris explodes after not visiting the border crisis ‘earthquake’

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