“Policy Options Before Disasters” to be the topic of the Resilience Feature webinar عبر
LOS ANGELES, July 18, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Policies needed before earthquakes and other disasters will be discussed by a panel composed of a California state legislator, city-building official, housing and community expert, and disaster preparedness leader during the Resilience Feature webinar June 16, Sponsored by Optimum Seismic, Inc.
Record numbers of small earthquakes across the country in recent months, a looming wildfire season expected to be exacerbated by record droughts and the tragic collapse of a 12-story apartment in Florida all point to the need for greater resilience.
Against this background, government officials, business leaders, architects, structural engineers, community planners and property owners urgently need to work together to make buildings, businesses, and communities more resistant to earthquakes and other disasters.
Improving resilience requires public education and policies that balance safety, protecting the economy, and the cost of improvements. Community leaders and public policy experts will discuss methods for doing this. The committee will also discuss financial incentives — lending practices, insurance discounts, tax credits and fees and other measures — that can motivate and reward owners to invest in resilience.
These webinars are designed to enable property owners to make better informed decisions about the degree of security they want their buildings to have, how quickly to recover from damage, and how much this improved performance will initially cost and ultimately save.
says Evan Reis, executive director of the nonprofit American Resilience Council, which serves as host for the program.
The committee will study specific policies that can help make buildings safer and more resilient. The outcome of these policies and a combination of incentives can prevent deaths, injuries and property losses, preserve jobs and housing, and protect vital services and local economies. Examples will be shared of how policies can make concrete actions that help buildings and communities withstand shocks, avoid significant damage and recover more quickly from California’s biggest natural hazard – earthquakes.
Team members are: California Society Member, Adrien Nazarian, District 46; Ron Takeguchi, Assistant Director of Community Development – Construction Officer, City of Burbank and former Chief Building Officer for California, CALBO; Carlos Martin, Senior Fellow, Center for Housing and Urban Communities Policy, Urban Institute; and Matthew Wall, executive director of the Western States Seismic Policy Council.
Program host, Evan Reese, Executive Director of the American Resilience Council; He will act as the moderator in the panel discussion.
A 20-minute video presented as part of the webinar will include interviews with experts on the types of policies that can be implemented before disaster strikes to further mitigate seismic threats. Policy developments that have been useful in dealing with the challenges posed by natural hazards will also be discussed.
“Earthquakes can have devastating effects on at-risk buildings, people and our economy, but they don’t have to be disasters,” says Rees. “Investing in resilience is good economics, healthy business, and responsible public policy, and this webinar will show how advances in policy in many areas can help California become more resilient now and in the future.”
“We’ve learned a lot that can be used today to protect California’s economy and quality of life when earthquakes strike,” says Optimum Seismic co-founder Ali Sahabi, a pioneer in earthquake modification and resilience movement. “This webinar will examine how new policies can help landlords, businesses, and government officials better protect investments, tenants, employees, and society at large.”
“Building codes and other public policies have advanced over the past several generations, but much remains to be done. For example, an estimated 2.5 million Californians live in approximately 100,000 affordable multi-family buildings that are prone to collapse in strong earthquakes. We must take earthquake threats seriously and act quickly.”
“Real estate owners risk building collapse, business failure, liability, bankruptcy, and more. The bottom line is that the economic benefits of earthquake retrofits and increased resilience are impossible—and dangerous—to ignore,” Al-Sahabi adds.
FEMA urged more retrofits to existing buildings in a key report submitted to Congress in January. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has estimated that 40 percent of businesses that close due to disasters will never open. When buildings collapse, businesses close and communities are damaged as workers lose their livelihoods and homes. Recovery can take years, if not decades.
University of Southern California researchers estimated that Southern California could suffer $113 billion in property damage in a major earthquake, with additional business-related impacts of $68 billion or more. It is estimated that the damage caused by a magnitude 7 earthquake on the Puente Hills fault passing through downtown Los Angeles at more than $252 billion with thousands killed and hundreds of thousands displaced.
It is estimated that more than 90 percent of buildings in urban areas in California do not comply with modern building codes. Many old, weak buildings can be made safer through earthquake retrofits.
In addition to the costs of physical damage, business interruption and loss of market share due to earthquakes, courts have determined that property owners can be legally liable for deaths and injuries that occur on their premises if they are found to be negligent in maintaining a hazardous condition by not taking them. Reasonable measures to protect their facilities.
Webinars during 2021 will explore how improving resilience can protect California businesses and communities from natural hazards such as earthquakes, wildfires, floods, and epidemics. Dates and topics for the upcoming webinar include:
July 21
Flexibility & Incentive Policy 11 AM – 12:30 PM
Program Heroes: The Los Angeles County Business Consortium and Western States Seismic Policy Council
August 19
Resilience reduces responsibility for earthquakes
To register for The Resilience Advantage’s free webinars, visit optimumseismic.com/the-resilience-advantage/. Links to previous Flexibility Feature episodes are available here.
For additional information, call Optimum Seismic at 323-605-0312.
Contact: Tom Robinson 562237-1629 Email: [email protected]
View original multimedia download content: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/policy-options-before-disaster-strikes-to-be-topic-of-resilience-advantage-webinar-301336179.html
SOURCE Optimum Seismic, Inc.; USRC
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