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Open Super Homes where their owners open their doors to everyone



Designer Bob Burnett’s Runswick Lane, Christchurch family home has been renovated to Superhome standards and is one of 14 Superhomes open nationwide from August 14-15.

Healthy, warm, dry and cheap to run – luxury homes are among the most energy efficient in New Zealand.

The owners and designers have paved the way for others to learn that there are alternative ways to build for a better bottom line, and this coming weekend, August 14-15, many of them are opening their homes to the public.

The home renovation of co-founder and designer Bob Burnett in Runswick Lane, Broadoaks, Christchurch will be one of 14 open homes. Burnett says he felt compelled to act after firsthand experience of housing’s effect on health.


The first of 10 Homestar homes, this Superhome from Bob Burnett at 11 Church Square, Addington, Christchurch is also an open house. home on the market.

In the aftermath of the Christchurch earthquake, his family was forced to move from their damaged energy-efficient home to substandard rental housing. Burnett says his children’s health deteriorated rapidly and doctors attributed this to poor housing.

Read more: * The Super Home: Why We Should Ditch Our 300 Sqm Buildings * The Healthy Home Guide aims to ‘poor quality’ for our new homes * Transforming cold, damp homes into a healthy, carbon-neutral environment

Thus the Superhome movement was launched in 2015 with the aim of bringing about “transformational change” in the construction industry.


Designer Warren Clarke’s private home at 124 Bowhill Road, New Brighton is on the tour.


“We don’t have summer and winter comforters, or winter and summer pajamas,” Warren Clark says.

While the movement was initially focused on new buildings, Burnett applied the idea to renovating his family’s earthquake-ravaged home. The insurance company has delayed repairs for more than nine years, but the designer says they are now complete and the house is “better than ever.”

Burnett’s first new super home will also open at 11 Church Square, Addington – the first 10 homes in New Zealand to be rated by Homestar. The house that served as the designer’s office is for sale.

The designer says owners will be willing to talk to visitors about their homes, special features, health benefits, and energy savings.


This home located at 37 Kirkwood Street, Upper Riccarton was built by Dan Saunders Construction.

“Something really special happens when you tour typical luxury homes,” Burnett says. “There is an amazing level of interaction, participation and positive energy. Experiencing the warmth and quality of the homes, meeting experts and owners, and discussing innovative ideas that can enrich your own project, is a wonderful and very valuable experience.

“As a not-for-profit organization, we don’t sell specific systems and products. We advocate for what works, based on proven science. No green washing, smoke, or mirrors. Just people’s passion for wanting to improve the way of life of society.”


The Mānuka Lee Echo House on the Te Anau-Milford Highway is a new Superhome building from Design & Make Architecture and the Dion Bates Building.

Special features of Superhomes include superior insulation, thermal bridge-free construction, triple glazing in many homes, airtightness, fresh air ventilation for heat exchange, solar PV and batteries, rainwater and gray water recycling.

Luxury homes will open this weekend in Auckland, Nelson, Canterbury and Otago. More details and reservations here. Participants will receive the new Healthy Home Guide, a print version of the online Healthy Home Design Guide.

Kristel Yardley / The Stuff

Despite the small budget, the owners of the Hamilton House built a highly sustainable passive home. (Video first published in October 2019)




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