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At least one, and possibly two earthquakes, southeast Saskatchewan


At least one earthquake has been confirmed this week in southeastern Saskatchewan.

Larry Long, Nutrien’s senior vice president of potash operations, confirmed that their devices were captured at approximately 10:30 p.m. Tuesday, at the epicenter north of the Rocanville mine.

Read more: A 4.1-magnitude earthquake hits Esterhazy and the region

“Our micro-seismic system at the Rockanville mine recorded 3.7 (magnitude) … somewhere near Esterhazy,” Long said.

“We didn’t stop the operations, we just do the normal checks. People go around and check the operations in the mill and underground in the mine and in the mine to make sure everything is working properly. There has been no damage. This is not a really important event for us,” Long said. .

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“Even though I said it wasn’t a significant event, we still did the inspections just to be safe,” Long said.

1:39 Going underground with Nutrien potash kits Going underground with Nutrien potash kits – August 12, 2019

Although there are no damages, injuries or disruptions and these events are rare, Long said they have general protocols in place if there are any incidents that require them to house people or initiate an emergency response.

“That would be hypothetical and why I say that is because one of the great things about operating a mine in the middle of the continent, out in the wilds, is that there are no, as I can call it, naturally occurring earthquakes,” Long said. .

“So what is happening is — this is probably — without any clear evidence or anything that I can point out as potentially being mining related. So it’s simple in nature,” Long said.

“It’s not uncommon to be honest with you,” Long said.

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“We have minute seismic events in any mine, like not just potash, any mine will have microphonic events, but they won’t be recorded other than the very sensitive systems within the mine itself.”

READ MORE: Magnitude 3.8 earthquake strikes southeast of Yorkton, Sussex.

According to Earthquake Canada, Tuesday’s quake occurred 29 kilometers southeast of Langenburg, in the state of Sussex, with a magnitude of 3.9 and no damage was reported. As of Thursday afternoon, it was the only report in the county on the federal agency’s website.

The US Geological Survey (USGS) said a 4.0-magnitude earthquake struck 28 kilometers south of Langenburg on Wednesday evening.

There are no reports of it being felt, said geophysicist Don Blackman of the USGS National Earthquake Information Center in Colorado.

“This type of earthquake, it applies to southern Canada…but these types of earthquakes are not unusual. These magnitudes from below, like binary and tertiary, can happen pretty much anywhere on the continent,” Blackman said.

“The fourth is large enough for people to see, and not feel, at a wide range, but can be picked up by sensitive stations at a fairly wide range,” Blackman said.

“An earthquake like this might shake for a few seconds, two or three seconds. Often they are described as more tremors than really shaking. Of course, that depends on how close you are to the epicenter,” Blackman said.

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READ MORE: Two more earthquakes strike near British Columbia coast on Christmas Day, expert says nothing to worry about

Long said he had heard of a report of a second earthquake, but their equipment hadn’t picked it up.

Langenburg is located about 220 km east of Regina.

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