Mexico City earthquake in 1985
The September 19, 1985 earthquake killed thousands of people and destroyed hundreds of thousands of homes. (Reuters)
This article was written as part of the “On This Day” series on Yahoo
On this day in 1985, a devastating earthquake struck Mexico City, killing thousands.
However, in the days following the September 19 earthquake, it was as if the earthquake never happened as the government at the time focused on saving face.
Despite the deaths of 5,000 people and the destruction of 100,000 homes, the media blackout underestimated the death toll and refused help from the international community, despite the difficulty of providing emergency services.
The government at the time initially imposed a media blackout despite the devastation. (Reuters)
The response of the ruling party at the time, the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), and President Miguel de la Madrid, conveyed what many viewed as a persistent disregard for the poor in Mexico.
The earthquake, which actually occurred about 220 miles from Mexico City, began in the Pacific Ocean.
His shock waves hit the coast of Mexico at 7.17 am on September 19, 1985, and then Mexico City itself two minutes later.
Parts of the city shook for more than three minutes and the initial shock killed at least 5,000 people.
The earthquake occurred 220 miles in the Pacific Ocean but devastated Mexico City. (Reuters)
The earthquake measured 8.0 on the Richter scale, followed by two aftershocks – one on September 20 with a magnitude of 7.5 and the other seven months later in April 1986 with a magnitude of 7.0.
While the aftershocks occurred later, and off the coast, they continued to wreak havoc on the city due to its size and geology.
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According to reports, the energy released during the main earthquake was equivalent to the explosion of 1,114 nuclear weapons, and the shockwaves were felt as far away as Los Angeles and Houston.
Besides killing thousands of people and many buried under the rubble, the earthquake destroyed 100,000 homes and left millions of people without electricity or water.
The story continues
Much of Mexico City was rebuilt in the aftermath of the 1985 earthquake – including this building in Alameda Park Square, pictured here in 1985 and 2005 (Reuters)
Historic buildings in the heart of the city have been destroyed, including museums, monuments and cathedrals, as well as vital infrastructure such as hospitals – with one of the worst affected areas having the highest concentration of hospitals.
The government initially refused any foreign aid, but changed its mind after 20 September after the shock.
Some countries sent assistance, while US First Lady Nancy Reagan toured Mexico City with the US ambassador to Mexico, John Gavin.
Much of the city was rebuilt in the years following the devastating earthquake, and an early warning system was set up to warn of future earthquakes.
Members of a Mexican rescue team known as TOPOS take part in an earthquake evacuation drill in Mexico City in 2015. The drill is set to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the devastating 1985 earthquake. (Reuters)
Mexico has also set up the Civil Protection Commission to train rescue workers, police, hospital staff and others, while evacuation drills are conducted in public buildings.
However, much of the rebuilding has been done in central Mexico City and there is still disagreement about how many people actually died in the 1985 earthquake – with some estimates as high as 30,000, although many put the number at around 10,000.
And despite efforts to protect people, millions of people still live in high-risk areas for any future earthquakes.
Attention: Mexico is still feeling the effects of the earthquake
Sources 2/ https://uk.sports.yahoo.com/news/on-this-day-mexico-earthquake-1985-145618225.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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