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Church leaders offer help after the Crete earthquake


The Orthodox hierarchy vowed to pray and provide practical help to the people of Crete this week, after a violent earthquake hit the Greek island on Monday, destroying homes and killing a church restorer.

“We intensify prayers and supplications to God the Merciful and Compassionate in order that this extraordinary destructive phenomenon will disappear, and it will leave our people strong, patient and full of hope,” reads a message from the Holy Synod of the Church on the island of Crete.

“We will also take specific practical support initiatives for our afflicted siblings once their immediate needs have been identified.”

The earthquake, with a magnitude of 5.8, hit the city of Arkaluchori, southwest of the city of Heraklion.

Also received were messages of support from the Orthodox Church in mainland Greece, and the Crete-born Patriarch of Alexandria, Theodoros II, who said he was “strongly emotionally attached” to the region and shocked by the “destructive power” of the earthquake.

At least 1,000 homes were damaged, and dozens of people were seriously injured. Iakovos Tzagarakis, a 65-year-old man who was restoring the Church of the Prophet Elias in Arkalochori, was killed.

Greek media reported that Mr. Tzagarakis’ son had been freed from the rubble after the dome of the church collapsed, and schools and hospitals had been evacuated. Roads and water supplies were disrupted, leaving up to 2,500 residents sheltering in cars, tents and parks.

The head of the Greek Earthquake Protection and Planning Organization, Efthimios Likas, said seismologists had been expecting a smaller tremor since July, but were shocked by the size of the quake, which also triggered rock slides and raised a tsunami warning.

He said several strong aftershocks shook Crete on Tuesday. People have been advised to avoid old stone buildings while current alerts continue.

A pastor of the Anglican Church in Crete, St Thomas, Kephalas, east Chania, said on Tuesday that he and his neighbors “felt the chills” at least 20 miles from the epicenter. “Crete is the largest island in Greece, with lots of British expatriates, but most practicing Anglicans come from this region,” said David Hurley, Church. Saint Thomas, consecrated in 2007, is part of the Diocese of the Great Church of Athens, Europe.

“Although no member of our community has been infected, according to news reports, social media has been full of shock for the death of an Orthodox Church worker,” said Mr Hurley.

Lying between the slowly disintegrating Eurasian and Aegean plates, Greece is vulnerable to seismic disturbances. An earthquake in October last year killed two residents of the eastern island of Samos, and at least 75 people on the nearby Turkish coast.




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