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Remaining post-earthquake reconstruction is done through coordination


The National Reconstruction Authority office building (photo file)

Kathmandu: The reconstruction work remaining after the earthquake should be expedited in coordination among all concerned bodies to complete it in a timely manner.

This came at the conclusion of a program of discussions between the House of Representatives, the Development and Technology Committee, the National Reconstruction Authority, and the ministries and agencies that were handed over to the reconstruction work.

Committee Chairman Kalyani Kumari Khadka said that the discussions were organized so that there is no problem in coordinating the implementation of the rest of the reconstruction work. It directed the ministries to mobilize adequate means and resources, including human resources, to complete the reconstruction work in a timely manner.

MP Ganesh Kumar Bahadi said that many reconstruction projects that were scheduled to be implemented by the Ministry of Peace and Reconstruction in the past have not yet been completed. He drew the attention of the ministries not to allow this to happen with regard to the reconstruction work remaining under their responsibility.

Likewise, legislators Kedar Segdal, Asha Kumari BK, Yagya Raj Sunwar, Jagendra Bahadur Mahat, Rajendra Kumar Rai and Bina Kumari Shrestha have expressed that the reconstruction work carried out so far is satisfactory and the remaining work needs to be further expedited, including In it the reconstruction of monasteries and heritage sites through better coordination. The reconstruction experience so far has shown that the Nepalese are also able to carry out reconstruction with limited resources. They also saw this as the time to test the capacity of our ministries.

The Chief Executive Officer of the National Reconstruction Authority (NRA), Sushil Goyali stressed the need to proceed with the remaining reconstruction work as per the directives issued by the steering committee on August 25. He said that clear provisions were made in the context of handing over the reconstruction work. Regarding the organizational structure, human resources and required budget.

The CEO of the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority, Anil Pokharel, said that the reconstruction work has been carried out in the meantime in close coordination with the Natural Resources Authority, and this has created the basis for continuing the works that will be handed over after the completion of the mandate of the Natural Resources Authority.

Finance Minister Madhu Kumar Marasini participated in increasing the reconstruction budget by 4 billion rupees through the Budget Replacement Bill. He added that as in previous years, the government has also given priority to the remaining reconstruction work.

Minister of Education Ram Prasad Thapalia, Secretary of the Ministry of Federal Affairs and Public Administration Ik Narayan Ariel, Secretary of the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Yadav Prasad Koirala, and Minister of Urban Development Dr. Ramesh Prasad Singh all expressed their commitment to continue with the remaining reconstruction work handover to the ministries in coordination with the National Resource Authority Natural and related parties.

Central Project Implementation Unit Project Director of the Ministry of Education, Ram Charan Sabkota, Director General of the Department of Antiquities Damodar Gautam, Director General of the Local Infrastructure Department Eshur Chandra Marahata, Deputy Project Director of the Central Project Implementation Unit (Houses and Buildings) under the Ministry of Urban Development, Koshnath Adhikari provided information regarding details of works delivered and work plan, budget and HR department for carrying out these works. They expressed their commitment to prioritizing reconstruction work.

Natural Resources Authority Secretary Sushil Chandra Tiwari and other officials including joint secretaries of various ministries on the occasion hope that the reconstruction work will be completed within the deadline.




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