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Football champion Didier Drogba has been appointed WHO Ambassador for Sport and Health

Football champion Didier Drogba has been appointed WHO Ambassador for Sport and Health


Football legend Didier Drogba was today declared the Goodwill Ambassador of the World Health Organization for Sport and Health. Drogba from Côte d’Ivoire will support the WHO in promoting the Organization’s guidelines on the benefits of physical activity and other healthy lifestyles and highlight the value of sport, especially for young people.

Mr. Drogba, known for his football career at Chelsea and as Double African Footballer of the Year (2006 and 2009), has many years of experience participating in various health campaigns such as healthy living, malaria control and HIV prevention and control.

“I am honored to partner with the World Health Organization and support its work to help people reach the highest possible level of health, especially young people in all countries,” Mr Drogba said during his announcement at the WHO-based embassy in Geneva. “I have benefited first-hand from the power of sport to lead a healthy life and I am committed to working with the WHO to share such gains around the world.”

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General, hailed Mr Drogba not only as a football legend but also a dedicated advocate for health and sustainable community development, adding that his support for the WHO could help combat the growing burden of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). ) promoting healthy lifestyles, including the benefits of physical activity and sport for all people.

“Didier is a proven champion and is changing the game on and off the field,” Dr. Tedros said. It will also support the mobilization of the international community to promote sport as an essential means of improving the physical, mental health and social well-being of all people, including assistance in recovery efforts from COVID-19. ”

Current global estimates show that four out of five adolescents, and one in four adults, do not perform enough physical activity. Increased physical inactivity also negatively affects health systems, the environment, economic development, community well-being, and quality of life. Regular physical activity, including sports, helps lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and various types of cancer (including breast cancer and colon cancer).

Mr. Drogba’s announcement as WHO Goodwill Ambassador was announced during the launch ceremony of the “Healthy World Cup 2022 – Creating a Heritage for Sport and Health” partnership between the Qatari Ministry of Public Health and its Supreme Delivery and Heritage Committee, WHO and the ruling world football body, FIFA.

Mr Drogba joins other WHO ambassadors, including Brazilian footballer champion Alison Becker; Michael Bloomberg, founder of Bloomberg Philanthropies and three-term mayor of New York City; Cynthia Germanotta, President of the Born This Way Foundation; and former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.




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