Earthquake interrupts Jacinda Ardern’s New Zealand COVID-19 strategy press conference
An earthquake rocked New Zealand’s capital, Wellington, while Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern was holding a press conference on the country’s new strategy regarding the coronavirus.
the main points:
Geonet estimated the earthquake at 5.9, while the USGS estimated it at 5.6
People felt widespread shaking but no damage or injuries were reported
The epicenter of the earthquake was 35 km southwest of Taomarunui in the center of the North Island
Ardern said the state will end strict coronavirus lockdowns and restore more freedoms only when 90 percent of its eligible population is fully vaccinated.
About 68 percent of eligible New Zealanders were fully vaccinated and 86 percent got a single dose.
“Ultimately, we have balanced the desire to reopen quickly while continuing to keep people safe,” Ms Ardern said.
How do scientists know that New Zealand is caused by an earthquake of magnitude 8
The Alpine Fault is one of the most active fault lines in the world and has a history of sudden movements.
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During the press conference, the city and its vicinity were hit by a 5.9-magnitude earthquake with the epicenter 35 kilometers southwest of Taumarunui in the center of the North Island, according to Jeunet.
While people felt widespread shaking, there were no reports of damage or injuries. The USGS estimated the strength at 5.6.
Mrs. Ardern held her platform briefly when the shaking started, and, smiling, told a reporter who asked a question, “Sorry, a slight distraction… Would you mind repeating that question?”
She told reporters at the end of the event that Deputy Prime Minister Grant Robertson, who was also on stage, wasn’t entirely convinced it was an earthquake and she wondered if it was just a strong wind.
Ms Ardern was interrupted during a live TV interview by an earthquake in similar circumstances last year.
New Zealand switches to a traffic light system
Ms Ardern said that when the vaccine target has been reached, the country will move to a new traffic light system to manage outbreaks in regions.
Vaccine certifications will be central to the new system, which will also use three settings – green, orange and red – to manage outbreaks and new cases.
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“Fully vaccinated people will be able to reconnect with family and friends, go to bars and restaurants and do the things they love with greater certainty and confidence,” she said.
The new system would also mean an end to nationwide lockdowns.
“Instead, we have the vaccines to create a level of safety and armor, and there will be more predictability,” she said.
Jacinda Ardern gives up her dream about COVID-Zero
New Zealand’s exclusion strategy led to Jacinda Ardern’s election victory last year, so is the prime minister taking a huge risk?
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New Zealand has imposed the most severe pandemic restrictions among OECD countries, but pressure is mounting on the government to ease restrictions as relatively small but persistent case numbers continue to plague its largest city.
New Zealand reported 129 cases of COVID-19 on Friday, a record daily for the third time this week, even though Auckland has remained in lockdown for more than two months.
More flexible restrictions exist in most parts of the country of 5 million people.
The number of cases in the current outbreak has reached 2,389 and New Zealand has recorded 28 coronavirus-related deaths so far in the pandemic.
The authorities have warned that infections are likely to move upward until the number of vaccinations increases.
Opposition National Party leader Judith Collins said the 90 per cent “obstacle” to vaccination owes every New Zealander to months of lockdown and uncertainty.
“It’s great that we now have 86 percent of kiwis who have taken at least one dose,” Collins said. “But the truth is, the last 4 percent will be the hardest to achieve.”
New Zealand on the “Ring of Fire”
New Zealand is often subject to weak to moderate earthquakes because it lies on the seismically active “Ring of Fire”, the 40,000-kilometre arc of volcanoes and ocean trenches that encircles most of the Pacific Ocean.
Christchurch is still recovering from a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in 2011 that killed 185 people.
In 2016, a 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck the South Island town of Kaikoura, killing two people and causing billions of dollars in damage, including in the capital, Wellington, located on the North Island.
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