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Smyrna Agora Documents Reveal Evidence of Izmir Earthquakes



Discoveries in the Smyrna Agora, known as the largest ancient agora in the city center, have revealed information about previous earthquakes in Izmir.


Associate Professor Akin Ersoy said that there are many clues about the earthquake that occurred in the old city: “There are inscriptions and documents of the Izmir earthquake that occurred in the middle of the sixth century and in 177 in the city.”

Founded by Alexander the Great on 193 hectares, the 8,500-year-old ancient city covers an area from Kadivikal to Kemeralti.

In the old city, which gives many clues about everyday life in antiquity, 1483 objects were found during the 14-year-old excavations. Besides these things, it was revealed that Agora has many clues about earthquakes that occurred in Izmir throughout history.

Ersoy, a lecturer at the Turkish-Islamic Archeology Department of Izmir University Catip Çelebi and head of the excavation team in the ancient city of Smyrna and the Agora Theater, pointed out that there are important inscriptions, artifacts and documents related to the Smyrna earthquake.

He said that the earthquake that occurred in Izmir on October 30 last year had the same earthquake in the past, and said, “At this time last year, a big earthquake occurred in Izmir. I am one of the victims of this earthquake. There are important inscriptions in the ancient city of Smyrna Confirm the earthquakes in Izmir. There is a work in which the ruler of the period has the honor of making Izmir a city again after the earthquake. We believe that there may be a bronze statue of the ruler in this work. There are inscriptions and concrete documents from ancient sources. In these documents, they describe the earthquakes in Izmir. They provide us with many Evidence with 2,500-year-old records of earthquakes in Izmir.


Referring to an inscription he found in the ruins, Ersoy said: “There is an inscription dating back to 551 BC, an inscription was found showing that the ruler of Izmir at that time re-established the city after the earthquake. We got to this inscription in 2009 and made it visible. This Document of an earthquake that occurred in Izmir in the middle of the 6th century. According to ancient sources, Izmir was hit by an earthquake in 177-178. We learn about this earthquake from the surviving works of an oratorical artist named “Aristides.” We learned from him that the sun of Izmir was fading at that time. Aristides asked for help for Izmir On the other hand, square blocks were built to prevent the structures from collapsing against earthquake.”

Thousands of objects have been found in 14 years


Drawing attention to the habitable advantage of Izmir, Ersoy said: “What distinguishes this city is that it is a livable city just like Istanbul. There are two large areas in this region that are considered to be first-class archaeological sites. The first is Kadifekale. Directly below it is the Smyrna Theater and the Smyrna Agora. In ancient times, this was a place that every resident of Izmir visited at least once a day. This area was a place where kiosks, religious rituals, and all kinds of activities in daily life took place. We have had the support of our sponsors during our 14 years in business. We handed over 1,483 pieces to the Izmir Museum, where we have a corner of the sculptures that we discovered during the excavations of Smyrna in the last 14 years.”

Speaking about the waters inside the Smyrna Agora, Ersoy said: “There are canals on the cliffs that collect Izmir water and carry it around the city. There is a lot of graffiti describing the daily life of antiquity. We have not been able to open this part to visitors yet, but we plan to open it soon. It is not possible to estimate how long the excavation will last. The structure that arouses people’s curiosity in Izmir is the Smyrna Theater. We aim to unearth this structure as soon as possible. We made discoveries that we would never expect. For example, a toilet structure was found in the theater It takes time to clean up and document such unexpected works. All these things prolong the archaeological excavations. Efforts are also underway to have the agora included in the UNESCO list. At the heart of these works are the Smyrna Agora and the historic Kemeralti Bazaar.”






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