Hurricane, Hail, Snow and Small Earthquake Warning: Washington Was Wild Tuesday
Amanda Cho / The Seattle Times
A hurricane warning, heavy rain, hail, high winds, severe thunderstorms, snow and a small earthquake were part of a mixed set of events during a dramatic Tuesday in Washington state.
The National Weather Service has issued several advisories and warnings across the region.
The morning started off sunny but windy in Seattle, with debris strewn across neighborhoods from Monday night’s storms. Then came rain, more winds and statewide blackouts.
A high winds warning has been issued for inland, including Seattle and Everett, NWS meteorologist Mary Botwin said, and a high wind warning was issued along the coast, some of western Washington and in the Cascade Mountains.
Waves reached up to 30 feet on the drawn stretch of the Hood Canal Bridge, which the Washington State Department of Transportation had to close for most of Tuesday.
Six Seattle-area schools closed due to power outages, and the district’s indoor lunch program was underway due to winds of up to 45 miles per hour in Seattle and Bellevue Tuesday.
A tornado warning was issued for Silverdale, Tracyton and Seabeck in Kitsap County around 11:40 a.m. that was withdrawn within an hour, but not before hundreds of Seattle residents were mistakenly alerted about the tornado on their phones and ordered to take cover.
While the spin was spotted on the thunderstorm near Silverdale, nothing has materialized at all, according to NWS meteorologist Mike McFarland. The warning, issued to Silverdale, was mistakenly sent to people shortly after noon in Seattle β including Ballard, Greenwood, Bainbridge Island and the University District β likely after miscommunication between the weather service and cell phone companies, he said.
Then, the rain, the wind and the interruption.
Just before 1 p.m., the Coast Guard joined police and fire departments in Everett in the search for a missing kayaker off the Jetty Island amid the onslaught of rain and wind.
A kayak was heard screaming for help on the 911 call, according to authorities. The sender couldn’t do anything else. The researchers found an empty boat about an hour later, but despite a search that lasted for hours involving several boats, a helicopter and drones, the search was called off.
Shortly after two o’clock in the evening, a small earthquake shook the large lake area. The Pacific Northwest Seismic Network reported a 3.0-magnitude earthquake about six miles east of Mount Vernon.
Crews responded to various scenes of fallen trees and electricity poles in the area, including in Madison, where a pole fell on a passing truck and a nearby building.
Heavy snow and humid conditions in the Olympic Mountains and Cascade led to WSDOT’s decision to close the Chinook and Cayuse Trails for the season starting Wednesday.
“The risk of avalanche is extremely high,” the agency said.
For a moment, the rain and hail of the afternoon stopped in time for a rainbow show overlooking the Seattle sky. Soon the scene faded as another round of powerful storms entered.
Wednesday is set to be less eventful with rain expected, especially in the afternoon, and winds in Seattle are expected to reach less than 10 mph, according to the weather service.
βIn my place, the rain has been running sideways for a while. [There will be] said Dana Felton, a meteorologist at NWS
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