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Rescuers from the European Union and Turks cooperate in earthquake response exercises


An earthquake preparedness exercise, part of the European Union Module Exercises (EU Modex), kicked off on Friday in Turkey’s northwestern Tekirdag province. The exercises brought together search and rescue teams from all over Europe and Turkey.

Turkey is hosting the exercise for the first time after last year’s edition was postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The exercises, which were held in an abandoned factory, were attended by 1,715 search and rescue personnel from Turkey, France, Austria, Spain, Italy, Bulgaria and Greece. The training was supervised by Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu and the head of the European Union delegation to Turkey, Nicholas Mayer Landrut.

Teams of European Union countries take part in a mock exercise in Tekirdag, northwest Turkey, November 12, 2021 (AA PHOTO)

Teams simulated a massive search and rescue operation after a 7.4-magnitude earthquake amid the ruins of the factory, rescuing the wounded. The exercise covered multiple scenarios, from rescuing survivors from tall buildings at risk of collapsing to extinguishing fires, the use of rescue cranes, organizing interventions to prevent accidents, sea tracing and air evacuation.

A team marks an unsafe building during a mock exercise in Tekirdag, northwest Turkey, November 12, 2021. (DHA PHOTO)

The exercise was organized by the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism and involved staff from the Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) and the Turkish Search and Rescue Association (AKUT).

Earthquake preparedness is of vital importance to Turkey as the country is punctuated by active fault lines. NGOs and government agencies improved their search and rescue capabilities in the wake of the deadly earthquake in 1999 that killed thousands in northwest Turkey. The latest large-scale earthquake claimed 117 lives in 2020 in the western province of Izmir. Experts warn of the occurrence of devastating earthquakes, especially in the Marmara region, in the near future.

An earthquake measuring 4.7 on the Richter scale, on Friday, hit the Butorge district in the eastern province of Malatya. No injuries or damage were reported, but it was a grim reminder that danger still exists in the country as it coincided with the anniversary of another earthquake 23 years ago that killed 710 people in the northern province of Düzce.

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