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NCT members apologize for their insensitivity to earthquake warnings in live broadcast


On December 14, NCT’s Doyoung, Mark, and Johnny mistook their Jeju earthquake warning as a joke during their live broadcast of the NCT 2021 universe countdown. Mark began singing NCT 127’s Earthquake where Doyoung mentioned the song, while Johnny danced.

The other NCT members quickly intervened to stop the three, telling them to be careful. However, the damage was done. Internet users created many blog posts on the Internet and criticized the members for their insensitivity.

Trending #9 in the Naver Entertainment section:

In the 14th century, controversy arose when a text message about an emergency disaster caused by a 4.9-magnitude earthquake on Jeju Island surfaced, NCT members broadcasting their song “Earthquake” during a YouTube live.

Naver Entertainment Leader #9: On the 14th, controversy arose when a text message about an emergency disaster caused by a 4.9-magnitude earthquake on Jeju Island surfaced. NCT members composed their song “Earthquake” during a Youtube Live . Johnny, Doyoung and Mark apologize for their insensitive reaction during the earthquake warning

A 4.9-magnitude earthquake rocked Seogwipo, near Jeju Island, on December 14. The timing coincided with three NCT subunits – WayV, NCT 127, and NCT DREAM – hosting the NCT Universe Countdown Live for the release of their new album. During a certain moment, employees behind the camera received emergency alerts about earthquakes on their phones.

The NCT members, unaware of what was happening, mistook the alert warning. As the other members thought aloud if there was an earthquake, Doyoung, Mark, and Johnny, unfortunately, began to sing and dance to their latest Earthquake release, albeit only for a few seconds.

A clip of the running siren and spy pointing to their song singing NCT 127 earthquake and Johnny woke up to dance but was promptly asked to sit down by Songchan Jisung (this is not to defame any of the members just for the ppl who watched the saint life)

A clip of the running siren and spy pointing to their song singing NCT 127 earthquake and Johnny woke up to dance but was promptly asked to sit down by Songchan Jisung (this is not to defame any of the members just for the ppl who watched the live saint) https://t. co/nVNEcClf7P

Netizens flocked to social media and online forums to comment on how much they underestimated a natural disaster – one that has claimed millions of lives.

Shortly after the incident, the three NCT members wrote a personal apology for their Instagram stories.

Mark Johnny and Doyoung posted an apology for the IG story for not recognizing the warning a while ago: ((It was an actual earthquake emergency

Mark Johnny and Doyoung posted an apology for the IG story for not recognizing the alert a while ago: ((It was an actual earthquake emergency

Doyoung described his reaction as “reckless remarks” and emphasized that he would take great care not to repeat it.

“I made a reckless mistake while not fully aware of the situation during the live broadcast of the comeback. I want to apologize to those who were hurt and uncomfortable by my reckless remarks. It is a grave and unexcusable mistake. In the future, I will do my best to prevent such a mistake from repeating itself.” .

Mark’s apology showed similar sentiments.

“I apologize for my actions during the live broadcast of the comeback. I did not understand the situation correctly and showed negligent behavior. I will think deeply about my actions and try not to show these kinds of actions from now on.”

Johnny also apologized several times in his story.

“I apologize for my reckless actions during today’s comeback directly. I will be more careful and think before I act from now on. I really do apologize. I apologize again to those who were uncomfortable with my actions.”

This led netizens, especially international fans, to believe that the three members were a real mistake.

About the earthquake alert status, I would like to say again that it is not the fault of the #NCT members!! It’s not #Mark #Doyoung #Johnny or the other members’ fault!! If you watch the live broadcast, you can see that the members kept silent during the alert…about the earthquake alert status, again I would say it’s not the fault of the #NCT members!! It’s not #Mark #Doyoung #Johnny or the other members’ fault!! If you watch the live broadcast, you can see that the members kept silent during the alert status…

…and asked the staff if they could continue or not! The staff let them go on living!! Members are fully aware and respect the earthquake site!!!

…and asked the staff if they could continue or not! The staff let them go on living!! Members are fully aware and respect the earthquake site!!!

For those who blame NCT, you better ask the staff why they kept going live?! If they want to respect the situation, they can stop life!! So stop blaming NCT!!!

For those who blame NCT, you better ask the staff why they kept going live?! If they want to respect the situation, they can stop life!! So stop blaming NCT!!!

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All sub units recently came together on their latest album, Universe. Meanwhile, NCT 127 announced a world tour as well.

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