USGS researcher describes earthquakes in South Carolina as a scientific mystery
The USGS is looking at 10 earthquakes that occurred near Columbia in less than two weeks. To better understand the earthquakes, WYFF spoke with Thomas Pratt, a research geophysicist and Central and Eastern District Coordinator with the USGS. The eastern United States remains a mystery because while there are plenty of fault lines across the region, researchers aren’t sure what makes them active to start moving. “One of the mysteries of seismology is why we get earthquakes in the eastern United States at all because they’re not at a plate margin, and most earthquakes like California or Alaska are at the edges of two tectonic plates, while the eastern United States is not close to a plate edge.” When the ground begins to shake due to an earthquake, Pratt says it’s because of a slip in one of the fault lines. “An earthquake is simply when a fault moves and the fault is a crack in the ground, so basically you have the ground on either side of the crack moving, relative to each other and that’s what causes the vibration,” he added. Carolina, experts say smaller earthquakes are not uncommon. “You have a lot of fault lines left from the time the Appalachian Mountains were built and you have many mountain-building rings there, so there are faults all over South Carolina. The question is which ones are active,” Pratt said. Thursday, researchers say that sometimes these flaws start to move in from time to time, as was the case recently in the Midlands. “There’s always the possibility that these are earthquakes of something bigger, when you sometimes get a big earthquake, sometimes you get a number of these smaller earthquakes beforehand, and now that’s unlikely because we see dozens of them in the eastern United States every year, but it’s just,” Pratt said. Roughly every 40 to 50 years we see a major earthquake in the eastern United States, the chances of that earthquake are pretty slim, but we can’t eliminate that possibility.” Charleston’s most historic earthquake occurred 136 years ago. “South Carolina has a history of relatively small earthquakes scattered across the state, and then it has also had some big earthquakes, the largest of which was the Charleston, South Carolina earthquake of 1886 which caused massive damage in the Charleston. 7 earthquake,” Pratt said. While the state has not experienced such an earthquake recently, many people remember the 4.1-magnitude earthquake near Edgefield on Valentine’s Day in 2014. It can be felt throughout the northern region of the country. “When you get to 4 on the Richter scale, you start to see things like falling objects, and when you get to 5 you start to get damage, like falling chimneys and things like that,” Pratt added. The USGS says the recent earthquakes should serve as a reminder to always be prepared, such as getting additional supplies like food and water. The South Carolina Department of Emergency Management has an earthquake guide to help you stay prepared.
, SC –
The USGS is looking at 10 earthquakes that occurred near Columbia in less than two weeks.
To better understand the earthquakes, WYFF spoke with Thomas Pratt, a researcher geophysics and central and eastern region coordinator with the USGS.
Pratt says earthquakes in the eastern United States remain a mystery because while there are plenty of fault lines throughout the region, researchers aren’t sure what makes them active to start moving.
“One of the mysteries of seismology is why we get earthquakes in the eastern United States at all because they’re not at a plate margin, and most earthquakes like California or Alaska are at the edges of two tectonic plates, while the eastern United States is not near the edge of the plate.”
When the ground begins to shake due to an earthquake, Pratt says it’s because of slipping in one of the fault lines.
“An earthquake simply happens when a fault moves and the fault is a crack in the ground, so basically you have the ground on either side of the crack moving, relative to each other and that’s what causes the vibration,” he added.
In South Carolina, experts say smaller earthquakes are not uncommon.
“You have a lot of fault lines left from the time the Appalachian Mountains were built and you have many mountain-building rings there, so there are faults all over South Carolina. The question is which ones are active,” Pratt said. Thursday.
Sometimes researchers say that these defects begin to move from time to time, such as recently in the midsection.
“There’s always the possibility that these are earthquakes of something bigger, when you sometimes get a big earthquake, sometimes you get a number of these smaller earthquakes beforehand, and now that’s unlikely because we see dozens of them in the eastern United States every year, but it’s just,” Pratt said. About every 40 to 50 years we see a major earthquake in the eastern US. The chances are very slim that this could lead to something bigger, but we can’t eliminate that possibility.”
In South Carolina, one of Charleston’s most historic earthquakes occurred 136 years ago.
“South Carolina has a history of relatively small earthquakes spread across the state, and then it has also had some big earthquakes, the largest of which was the Charleston, South Carolina earthquake of 1886 which caused massive damage in the Charleston. 7 earthquake,” Pratt said.
While the state hasn’t experienced such a magnitude recently, many people remember the 4.1-magnitude earthquake near Edgefield on Valentine’s Day in 2014.
It can be felt throughout the northern region.
“When you get to scale 4, you start to see things like falling things, and when you get to scale 5 you start to get damage, like chimneys falling and things like that,” Pratt added.
The USGS says the recent earthquakes should serve as a reminder to always be prepared, such as getting additional supplies like food and water.
The South Carolina Department of Emergency Management has an earthquake guide to help you stay prepared.
Sources 2/ https://www.wyff4.com/article/earthquakes-scientific-mystery/38685492 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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