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I felt the earthquake during the FIFA U19 World Cup match between Ireland, Zim


Live images of the FIFA U19 World Cup match between Ireland and Zimbabwe shook vigorously for a few seconds as an earthquake off the coast of Port of Spain caused mild tremors across the Queens Park Oval in Port of Spain, Trinidad.

While the players were unaware and continued to work on the field, the commentators felt a shiver as the comment box started shaking. The earthquake measured 5.2 on the Richter scale.

Commentator Andrew Leonard described the tremors as the comment box started to wiggle.

“We…I think we’re having an earthquake right now. In the box. We’re already having an earthquake. It felt like a train was not just a train passing behind us, but the entire media center in Queens Park Oval shook.”

The tremors were said to last from 15 to 20 seconds.

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Irish spinner Matthew Humphreys was tossing the fifth from the sixth ball to Zimbabwean Brian Bennett when the front camera showing the action started shaking. Play was not stopped as Bennett played a halfway defensive shot, then hit the next ball to the frontier.

A 5.2-magnitude earthquake struck near Trinidad and Tobago on Saturday morning. According to the UWI Seismological Research Center, the quake occurred around 9:40 a.m. at a depth of 10 kilometers, according to a report in the Loop News website.

The two teams were vying for 9-12 positions in the World Cup in the Brilliant League, having finished third in their group. Riding on a half-century by Jack Dixon (78) and captain Tim Tctor (76 not out) after Baser Muzammil Shirzad’s excellent spell of 5 for 20, Ireland emerged as a five-wicket winner chasing a 167 goal.

An Irish cricket statement said, “Sherzad, though, wasn’t the only thing to hit the Queen’s Park Oval today, as a 5.1-magnitude earthquake shook the ground midway through Zimbabwe’s innings. The commentary team, featuring Ireland’s Andrew Leonard, continued to comment bravely and with humor as an assessment of any possible damage to the historic land that has stood on the site since 1896 has been made.”

Brief scores

Zimbabwe 166 in 48.4 overs (Sherzad 5 for 20) lost to Ireland 169 for 2 in 32 overs (Dixon 78 no, Tctor 76 no)




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