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Magnitude 4.1 earthquake strikes California Here’s how to stay safe before and during an earthquake | latin post


Written by Mary Webber First published: Jan 30, 2022 10:45pm EST

A 4.1-magnitude earthquake rocked parts of southern California, including San Diego and Riverside counties, on Sunday.

According to the New York Times, the earthquake occurred at 9:46 a.m. local time about three miles from the Palomar Observatory, California.

Sandra Herrera, a California resident, said small earthquakes are common in the area. However, the recent earthquake felt more powerful.

Experts said southern Californians had no reason to worry about the 4.1-magnitude earthquake. Don Blackman, a geophysicist at the National Earthquake Information Center in Colorado, noted that the earthquake was not a “big problem.”

Blackman said there were no reports of injuries or damage from the quake. He added that it usually takes an earthquake of magnitude 5.0 to cause damage in the United States.

The agency had no estimate of how long the earthquake would last. But some people noticed that it lasted 10 to 20 seconds. Nearly 5,000 people from as far away as Los Angeles and Arizona reported feeling the earthquake.

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california earthquake

According to Michigan Tech, earthquakes of between 2.5 and 5.4 degrees are often felt but rarely cause damage. People rarely feel earthquakes less than 2.5 degrees.

The Sacramento Bee reported that people used social media to share their experiences with the 4.1-magnitude earthquake that shook Southern California.

American film producer Tariq Nasheed tweeted: “Small earthquake # earthquake.”

small tremor #earthquake

People in California

– Tariq Nasheed ?? (@tariqnasheed) January 30, 2022

Another Twitter user with handle @Path2SharePoint said earthquakes are common in California, but a 4.1-magnitude quake was particularly close, with its epicenter 20 miles from their home.

Earthquakes are common in California, but this one was especially close, with the epicenter 20 miles from our home.

– Kristof (@ Path2SharePoint) January 30, 2022

Meanwhile, one user @BerMEWdez728 shared a funny photo of the recent earthquake.

Twitter when the Southern California earthquake hit

– Tony “Wear a mask, we’re in a pandemic” Bermudez (@BerMEWdez728) January 30, 2022

In July 2021, at least a dozen earthquakes struck Little Antelope Valley, about 20 miles southwest of Smith Valley, Nevada. The tremors were caused by normal faults and faults in the slip near Antelope Valley.

The largest tremors measured 6.0 on the Richter scale along the eastern edge of the Sierra Nevada.

As far away as the San Francisco Bay Area, the quake was felt by Sacramento and Carson City, Nevada, with a reported magnitude of 4.5 aftershocks, according to the California Seismological Service Fact Sheet.

There was minor damage which included a rockslide in Colville and objects falling off shelves.

Prepare for an earthquake

Residents can plan ahead by checking for hazards at home. It is advisable to fasten the shelves tightly to the walls and place large or heavy objects on the lower shelves.

It is also important to identify safe places indoors and outdoors. According to the California Academy of Sciences, one should also educate family members in the event of an earthquake; Inform family members of emergency numbers, and teach everyone in the house how and when to turn off gas, electricity, and water.

One must have a disaster-specific supply with extra flashlights and batteries; Battery operated radios for basic food and water, plus a first aid bag and manual, among other things.

If you’re indoors, lie down on the floor, take cover under a table, and wait for the earthquake to stop. Hanging objects, mirrors, tall furniture and windows should also be avoided.

When you’re outside, go somewhere open, away from buildings and utility wires.

Read more: CVS of US pharmacy chain to close 900 pharmacies to expand digital and health services

This article is owned by the Latin Post Company.

By: Mary Weber

Watch: California earthquake strikes today | Moderate earthquake strikes southeast of Temecula, California – From News Flash USA

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