Its history and culture:
Cartago takes you to the heart of what Costa Rica was once, a place from today’s past. It is a city of history, culture, destruction and strength bordered by breathtaking beauty.
If you want to know Costa Rica, you will want to appreciate Cartago.
History of Cartago
The picturesque city of Cartago was the capital of Costa Rica before the urban jungle of San Jose officially took the title. Spanish settlers established their presence in the area with an emphasis on agricultural prosperity, and the cooler climate and rich volcanic soil looked promising. Thus, Cartago was founded in 1563 by the Spanish conquistador Juan Vazquez de Coronado.
With the arrival of Costa Rican independence in 1821, the battle for a new capital would develop and a civil war would break out. The Battle of Ochomongo took place outside Cartago in 1823, resulting in Cartago’s forces facing defeat and the loss of the country’s capital of the same name.
The capital was almost occupied again in 1910 but this time by one of the most destructive earthquakes in the country, destroying most of the city and claiming more than 1,000 lives. The city center, the Plaza Mayor, contains the ruins of the Diocese of Santiago the Apostle. Here you can find the unfinished structures of churches that have not been completely reconstructed.
The 16th century church first experienced earthquake damage in 1630 where it was destroyed and then demolished. Reconstruction and rebuilding took place during the years of the parish’s establishment. After the force and destruction of the fourth earthquake in 1910, all attempts to rebuild the churches finally ended.
However, what now lies behind are the ruins and remains of the park’s beauty, a striking and fascinating contrast that can be seen alongside a legendary legend.
It is said that all this is due to the curse of two brothers of the first inhabitants of the region. One of the brothers was a friendly, well-liked man in the village, and the other was a priest. What came between them was love, a woman they had fallen in love with, who tore them apart after she had chosen the beloved and beloved man.
However, the love did not end happily after an anecdote but rather with death. The priest did not have and killed his brother. As an act of penance, he built a church that was destroyed by an earthquake just one year later. Even after trying to rebuild, another earthquake would ruin any efforts, and many see the Cartago earthquakes as anathema to what he did.
Not far from Cartago lays another place for legends and tales, however, this one takes a slightly different twist, that of Santorio Duran which is said to be one of the most haunted places in the country. Founded in the early 1900s, it was originally a place for tuberculosis treatment and recovery.
The site was a safe distance for those who were isolated from others. The landscape and settings are welcomed to help treat mental conditions in the hope that residents will reap all the health benefits of the ocean. About 300 beds were made available in the specialty hospital to help treat patients.
Over time it developed into an orphanage and even a prison that closed in the 1960s and became deserted. It is now hosting a new kind of life as an attraction for curious visitors to tour and explore if they are feeling brave enough. With the cooler temperatures, nestled among the mountain ridges as the mist rolls through, it creates a haunting picture as one’s imagination can’t help but turn wild.
Featured places
One of Costa Rica’s most famous and religious sites is here in the colonial capital at Basilica de Nuestra Senora de Los Angeles. This important and important Catholic church contains a statue of La Negrita (Black Madonna). Its legend goes back to 1635 when a woman came across the Black Rock.
It appears to be shaped like a doll with an image of a woman holding a child in her arms. She brought her home with her but mysteriously found her way back to where she was found. After several attempts, it somehow ended up where I discovered it even after being taken to the local priest.
It is now viewed as a sacred relic and the statue is believed to be of great importance, some attributing its power to miraculous healings. At the Basilica de Nuestra Senora de Los Angeles, the Church of Our Lady of the Angels, thousands to millions make the annual pilgrimage.
Known as la romeria they walk this path as an act of faith. Many come from Costa Rica and from all over the world to seek healing and blessings. Some come simply out of respect for the Virgin of Los Angeles or as thanks for the miracle or blessing they received. The famous church is a sight to see if you participate in the annual pilgrimage or just visit to enjoy its presence and grandeur.
last thoughts
Just 45 minutes east of San Jose, this historic city is located at the base of the Irazu volcano in the shadow of Costa Rica’s highest volcano. Visiting Cartago is a journey through Costa Rica’s history going back in time, learning about its colonial origins.
It embodies all the country’s cultural traditions and religious significance to explore with its refreshing landscapes. Cartago is surrounded by mountains and rolling hills, a gorgeous volcano, coffee plantations, and cultural traditions mixed with a bit of mystery and folklore.
It’s a place that is sometimes overlooked, and not many realize how much it really has to offer, but once you visit, you will definitely never forget it.
Sources 2/ https://ticotimes.net/2022/02/13/visiting-cartago-costa-rica-its-history-and-culture The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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