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Delhi tremor wave raises speculation about a bigger earthquake Experts keep fingers crossed


It has been affected by at least 10 tremors in the past two months, and Delhi residents have more reasons to worry than the 19 pandemic Covid they are fighting. Many began to raise doubts that the tremor wave could be a prelude to a larger earthquake – a possibility that geologists are unable to explicitly confirm or reject.

“The occurrence of 10, most of them minor tremors, has become a cause for concern, and some seismologists cautiously suspect that these are shocking shocks of a near imminent earthquake near the field! All these tremors originate from very shallow depths of less than 10 km,” explained Dr. Prabhas Pandey, general manager The previous additional addition to the Geological Survey of India and seismologist, that “the upper crust is only in a tectonic flow state”.

Agreeing that there is ample cause for concern for the common man, Dr. Pandey tells Outlook: “This near-surface activity makes me think that repeated strain release, non-genetically, has nothing to do with strained sectors of the deep crust levels, and so, it may not be a precursor to an event Bigger, but this view is just an optimistic assumption because I refrain from making any kind of prediction. ”

Read also It has been rocked several times recently, why a big earthquake could be disastrous for Delhi-NCR

But not all experts are optimistic, and some have already warned that a catastrophic earthquake may be in the near future.

“We cannot predict the exact time, place or scale, but we believe that there is constant seismic activity that occurs in the NCR region and could lead to a major earthquake in Delhi,” Dr. Kalchand Sen, President of the Wadia Institute for Himalayan Geology, was quoted as saying in parts of the media .

Unlike a hurricane or hurricane that can be seen on radar or satellite images and precautions can be taken to counter any possibility, earthquakes resemble an invisible threat. In simple language, the Earth’s crust (lithosphere) is in continuous dynamic motion. Heat from the Earth’s core produces molten rocks to move up and move these tectonic plates.

The subcontinent is located on the great Indian plate, which is in a permanent direction to the north with close borders along the Himalayas and the Hindu Kush mountains. Panels hitting create fault lines or fractures along which the ground blocks can slide.

Due to its proximity to the Himalayas, large parts of northern India and Nepal remained vulnerable to major earthquakes. In the past 86 years, India has been struck by many strong earthquakes. .

For example, the state of Gujarat was hit by a 7.7 magnitude earthquake on January 26, 2001. More than 20,000 people have died. Near Delhi, Uttarkasi was rocked by a 6.1 magnitude quake on October 20, 1991. More than 1,000 people died even when Delhi felt the magnitude of an earthquake.

Taking into account the importance of NCR and the state of earthquakes classified in the fourth high damage risk zone, it was considered necessary to monitor the Earth’s disturbances closely continuously. Thus, the Indian Meteorological Department established a seismic network from 16 field observatories during the period 1998-2000.

According to the former deputy chief of the Delhi Development Authority, Balfinder Kumar, a major earthquake would be disastrous for the city.

“There are many unauthorized colonies in the old Delhi, Mehroli, and Chaturpur regions. More than 100 and 200 square plots have been built, and 7 eight-story houses without proper regulations. All of these homes have people packed like sardines. Imagine what would happen if the earthquake struck. Kobra, “Kumar says.

The unexpected nature of earthquakes will forever keep Delhi-NCR guessing. Although disaster management standards have improved, lakhs will still be vulnerable to a major earthquake, experts feel. Fingers tangle.


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