Learning from the experiences of women during childbirth to improve the quality of care
AND a special addition to the WHO and HRPrecently published in BMJ Global Healthhighlights how women and their newborns are treated during childbirth and offers a pathway to improved care in institutions.
More and more evidence shows that women around the world face unacceptable bullying during childbirth. Women everywhere face violations of their rights – including the right to privacy, informed consent and the right to have a trusted companion during childbirth.
Misconduct can seriously undermine trust in a health care facility, which may mean that women are less likely to access care in institutions before, during and after childbirth. This can have serious consequences for the health and well-being of women and their babies, and can even endanger their lives.
As explained by Özge Tunçalp, Medical Officer at the WHO and the Human Reproduction Program (HRP),Improving women’s experiences during childbirth and childbirth is key to increasing women’s confidence in institutional care – as well as ensuring access to quality postnatal care after birth.. ”
More research is urgently needed – and research capacities – to better understand and improve women’s experiences of abuse during childbirth, but also during ongoing maternity care. This includes research on new methods of data collection, understanding how experiences differ depending on the context and how those experiences affect overall outcomes.
About the new add-on
In recognition of this gap, new addition presents evidence from a WHO study in several countries on the positive impact of companions on childbirth, the need for increased privacy measures and improved ways to measure women’s experiences and satisfaction with childbirth in any health care facility.
Within the collection, labor society analysis found that unaccompanied women were more likely to report physical abuse, medical procedures without consent, and poor communication compared to women with childbirth. In contrast, when women had a partner of their choice, they experienced lower levels of some forms of bullying – although it depended on the environment.
Three papers demonstrate the importance of understanding women’s experiences to improve care during childbirth through better research and treatment. Measuring experiences and satisfaction provides insight into what can be improved increase satisfaction. Increased responsibility for bullying during childbirth will improve experiences.
Paper on vaginal examination and harassment during childbirth based on observation of childbirth has shown the crucial importance of good communication and a clear consent process during childbirth. In addition, research has offered a practical way to reduce women’s exposure and increase privacy such as curtains.
When with respect to adolescentsbullying contributes to dissatisfaction and misses the opportunity for engagement and education with this demographics.
The last two papers show that the development of concise, valid and reliable abuse measures applicable in all settings would offer opportunities to encourage quality improvement initiatives for lasting change.
The Special addendum to the WHO and HRP on understanding the harassment of women during childbirth to improve the quality of care identifies risk factors and aims to take a step closer to positive experiences of pregnancy, childbirth and postnatal life for all.
“When women and their babies receive care with respect, quality, and person-centered care, they are more likely to approach contacts with health professionals and more likely to approach care that could save lives in a health facility.“Comments by Dr. Özge Tunçalp”,Now that we have this evidence, we will be able to take more steps to reduce abuse around the world. ”
Sources 2/ https://www.who.int/news/item/23-03-2022-learning-from-women-s-experiences-during-childbirth-to-improve-quality-of-care The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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