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Central Italy earthquake: infrastructure and environmental transformation, a $1.8 billion plan

Central Italy earthquake: infrastructure and environmental transformation, a .8 billion plan


Rome. PNRR push for post-earthquake reconstruction. At the conference organized by the Diocese of Rieti in the Hall of Santa Scholastica, Commissioner for the Reconstruction of the 2016 earthquake in central Italy, Giovanni Legigni highlights that “the problems experienced by these lands arise from afar, and unfortunately the earthquake of 2016 has exacerbated them.” He adds: “Through the PNRR and the Specific Fund for Earthquake Zones in the Central Apennines (National Recovery and Resilience’s only regional program), today we have a great opportunity to confront them and begin to provide concrete answers. . We have one billion and 780 million euros to encourage the necessary investments to rehabilitate infrastructure, to achieve the goals of environmental and digital transformation, to support the work of youth and women, and social inclusion.”

Available resources

Legigni continues: “A large part of this money will be provided to companies and universities, but most of the resources will be available to local administrations. Regarding Preti and Reti, at the suggestion of the Lazio region, important interventions have been planned. This is the Center for Advanced Research and Training, the Center for Cultural Heritage Preservation and Restoration, and part of the resource for the restoration of the old hospital, the hydrogen train, the redesign of railway stations, and interventions for urban renewal or traffic. To Departments “Therefore, the Commissioner for Reconstruction of the Earthquake Six Years Ago stresses, a major effort is needed to enhance the operational capacity of these projects. And the success of this plan in influencing the troubling dynamics of the past will depend much on it. On our part, there is the utmost readiness to support this commitment and the commitment of the regions.

Surveying socioeconomic policy as a form of philanthropy. Social and economic investigation as a tool for the public good. The exchange of information is the basis of human and cultural exchange. These are the principles guiding the working group of RiData, the social and political observatory of the Diocese of Rieti which, during a public meeting, presented a detailed analysis of the conditions of the Rieti region, entirely derived from public data and reports from research. National institutes. The observatory submitted two reports in response to the question that raised the topic at the conference: “What is the value of Rieti?” The first was entrusted to economic forecaster Roberto Moriah, who researched various aspects of local development in terms of digitalization, social and environmental sustainability, infrastructure and business capacity. From the data emerged the picture of a very uncompetitive region, also at the bottom of the national rankings in terms of waste management capacity and energy conversion options.


Containing Weaknesses The best performance is recorded in containing weaknesses and in the ability to ensure adequate levels of security, worst in municipal administrative capabilities, which shows high levels of expenditure against low level of services provided. A topic, the latter, related to the second presentation, which saw Pierpaolo Bertone illustrate a report developed with Daniela Mastroiaco and obtained from OpenCoesione data. The survey focused on the use of public funds by businesses and administrations in the province of Rieti, looking for evidence of the ability to respond to the challenges posed by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. 1267 projects for the 2014-2020 cycle were considered. Mostly completed, 86% of it relates to resource use in recruitment and labor mobility. This fact highlights the industrial crisis in recent years and the exhaustion of the local production system in the transfer and training of manpower. The rest of the initiatives relate to social inclusion, the digital agenda and corporate competitiveness, but with little intervention in terms of research and innovation.

Project Size A related factor is the small size of the majority of projects. 96% relate to initiatives worth less than €100,000; 86% were funded with less than 10,000. The observatory will address new analyzes of the potential of these investments to promote economic and social development. Legigni, for his part, explored the possibilities offered by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and the complementary resources earmarked for earthquake zones in response to the critical issues that arose. Indeed, many of the resources relate to the investments to be made in terms of infrastructure, environmental transformation, digitalization, social inclusion, and business support. With regard to the capital, the Center for Research and Advanced Training, the topic of cultural heritage preservation and restoration, the restoration of the old hospital in the heart of the historical center, rail and road travel were noted. In general, as a significant part of the resources available to local administrations, the need to strengthen their capacity to implement projects was emphasized.

Overcoming self-pity Bishop Domenico Pompelli concluded the work by emphasizing the need to overcome a certain resignation that permeates the territory, in order to make Central Italy “a hub, not a stopper”. He urged the bishop to insist on a process of modernization of physical and digital infrastructures, focusing on works such as the completion of Rieti Turano, the need to build the “Bahrain Railway”, and the opportunity associated with building two new hospitals. Parts of development are possible and sustainable if accompanied by a cohesive and stubborn vision in the desire to bring the outcome home.




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