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GONGGANTECH, offering earthquake-resistant lightweight steel frame

GONGGANTECH, offering earthquake-resistant lightweight steel frame


SOUTH KOREA – April 11, 2022 – Founded in 2002 as a construction company, GONGGANTECH Korea develops construction safety products and services based on 20 years of experience and expertise in the construction industry. In particular, GONGGANTECH technology level of earthquake-resistant safety products is excellent. Its product received presidential citation in 2018, was selected as an excellent invention by the Korean Intellectual Property Office in 2019, ranked among the top 10 excellent patents for manufacturing in 2021, and was approved as a promising small and medium-sized enterprise by the local government community.

Attracting attention, “Lightweight Steel Frame Earthquake Resistant Roof” goes beyond the limits of current lightweight products, which have been used for the past 40 years, and introduces a new paradigm of lightweight steel structure.

Existing products were used even before various equipment such as electrical, firefighting, communications, air conditioning, heating and interior were installed in the ceiling. But those products did not take into account the weight of the above equipment and the weight of workers for maintenance work, exceeding the load capacity, which may cause safety accidents.

Also, its anti-seismic performance is insufficient, which may cause damages due to the fall of the roof structure and equipment when an earthquake occurs.

The YES Hanger, the core component of the Lightweight Steel Frame Earthquake Resistant Ceiling, has a one-touch part that completely prevents loosening of the nuts in the upper and lower parts of the hanger. It also prevents the movement of corner bars and load bars in the upper area to prevent changes in the structure and overhanging roof due to earthquakes and various vibrations in daily life.

It has been earthquake proof tested and proven at the international standard earthquake resistance test site of the Korea Seismic Safety Center. It was confirmed that the structure remains safe even at 1.3 g and a seismic intensity of 10.

In addition, the product structure distributes weight evenly to remain strong against vertical load and steadily supports equipment and workers’ weight in the roof, preventing accidents such as roof collapse. Its maintenance is also convenient.

The integrated structure of the Yes Hanger increases both earthquake and load safety without the need to incorporate bolts. The simplified process of assembling the parts increases convenience. Using M bar, T bar, and clip bars, they are applicable to different shapes of roof and construction environment. Moreover, ISO9001 quality management certification proves that it is a versatile product and never fails in quality management.

“OK Earthquake Resistant Pipe Hanger” launched with “Lightweight Steel Frame Earthquake Resistant Ceiling” is the world’s first hanger with anti-loosen nuts adjustable in different heights. It has a high level of comfort and safety mounting structure to be selected as an excellent product in the 19th Korean Safety Awards.

With their safety, operability and convenience in maintenance, these two products from GONGGANTECH Korea differ from other current products by their innovations. GONGGANTECH Korea aims to set a new standard for advanced construction safety and welcomes overseas partners for export.

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