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The Bosnia earthquake killed one person, and caused extensive damage across several cities

The Bosnia earthquake killed one person, and caused extensive damage across several cities


Mostar – A strong earthquake struck Bosnia late Friday, killing one person, injuring at least two others and sending hundreds of people fleeing their homes.

The Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Center said the 5.6-magnitude earthquake struck 42 kilometers southeast of Mostar at 11:07 pm CET near the southern town of Stolac. MSC said the quake occurred at a depth of five kilometers.

A 27-year-old woman died of her injuries and her parents were injured after a rock was hit by the earthquake at their family home in Stolac, authorities said.

Other cities in the southern part of Bosnia such as Ljubinje and Sabljina reported significant material damage. The number of casualties was not immediately known, and rescue teams were scheduled to conduct surveys of nearby villages on Saturday.

Members of the country’s tripartite presidency immediately responded, with the Bosnian representative, Şefik Davrovic, expressing his condolences to the family of the murdered woman, calling her death a “great tragedy.”

Bosnian Croat Presidency Council member Zeljko Komšić visited the victim’s parents, who are receiving treatment at Mostar hospital, and vowed to visit Stolac later on Saturday.

Their Bosnian Serb counterpart Milorad Dodik issued 500,000 transferable marks (€250,000) in emergency funds to Ljubinje to help offset the damages.

Local outlets reported that more minor earthquakes were recorded in the general area of ​​Stolac overnight, with magnitudes ranging from 2.7 to 4.4 on the Richter scale.

The main earthquake was felt throughout Bosnia, but also along the coast of Croatia, neighboring Montenegro, and in the southeast in Albania. – euronews




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