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Afghanistan: WFP trucks deliver food and emergency equipment to earthquake-affected areas

Afghanistan: WFP trucks deliver food and emergency equipment to earthquake-affected areas


People in the village of Sur Koch in Spira, Afghanistan, assess damage to buildings. Photo: WFP/Sher Ali

The World Food Program (WFP) deployed food and logistical equipment to support communities devastated by the earthquake, near the Afghan border with Pakistan in the early hours of Wednesday (22 June).

At least 1,000 people were reported killed, and 2,000 others injured, around the epicenter of the 5.9-magnitude earthquake, 27 miles from the city of Khost.

“The Afghan people are already facing an unprecedented crisis following decades of conflict, severe drought and economic stagnation,” said Gordon Craig, WFP Deputy Country Director in Afghanistan. “The earthquake will only add to the already massive humanitarian needs they endure on a daily basis, including the nearly 19 million people across the country facing acute hunger and in need of assistance. Our teams have been quickly mobilized and will continue to provide support to help affected families through this latest tragedy.”

The World Food Program has 239 trucks arriving in remote areas of Afghanistan every day. Photo: WFP/Afghanistan

At least 18 trucks are on their way to the quake-affected areas carrying emergency supplies, including high-energy biscuits and mobile storage units. WFP is planning to provide emergency food to an initial number of 3,000 families and is ready to step up its support pending the results of on-the-ground assessments with humanitarian partners.

However, rescue efforts were hampered by heavy rain and wind, as well as poor communication in the affected areas.

Jayan and Barmal districts in remote Paktika province, and Sibera in Khost province, are among the worst affected areas. In Barmal, more than 70 percent of homes were completely destroyed.

Afghanistan is one of the WFP’s most urgent emergencies. Famine-like cases have been reported for at least 20,000 people in Gore County, while nearly half of the country’s population does not have enough to eat, according to the latest figures.

A deteriorating economy, back-to-back droughts, rising food prices, and the COVID-19 pandemic are contributing to the continued suffering of millions.

Video: Watch WFP’s response in Afghanistan in 2022 Video: Watch WFP’s response in Afghanistan

Mary Ellen McGarraty, WFP Country Director in Afghanistan, recently called on donors to increase their support for the country after the organization and its humanitarian partners helped avert famine during the difficult winter months.

The World Food Program operates in all 34 provinces of the country and has a fleet of 239 trucks on the road each day, delivering food to about 800 food distribution sites across the country. In May, the World Food Program provided emergency food and nutrition assistance to 590,000 people in Paktika province and 320,000 in Khost. Since the beginning of 2022, the World Food Program has assisted 18 million people with food, cash and livelihood support in Afghanistan.

The World Food Program is all set to act quickly and is calling for $1.15 billion for the response in Afghanistan over the next six months.

Learn more about WFP’s work in Afghanistan




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