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Opinion: 2 earthquakes in a matter of hours is a wake-up call for San Diego residents

Opinion: 2 earthquakes in a matter of hours is a wake-up call for San Diego residents


Damage from a 6.4 magnitude earthquake near Trona on July 4, 2019. Courtesy of Caltrans

San Diego County was booked by two earthquakes just hours apart Wednesday morning. It wasn’t great – both under 4 degrees – but it should be a wake-up call to get ready.

A 3.6-magnitude earthquake occurred in the Pacific Ocean south of Navy-operated island of San Clemente at 3:28 a.m., followed by a 3.3-magnitude earthquake north of Borrego Springs at 9:01 a.m.

Those of us lucky enough to live in America’s best city and surrounding communities don’t give much thought to earthquakes, leaving those concerns to residents of Los Angeles and San Francisco.

But our county is punctuated by significant faults, including the Rose Canyon fault below downtown San Diego and along the coast, and the Elsinore and San Jacinto faults in Eastern District.

The legendary San Andreas fault to the north can cause strong local shaking, but geologists say Rose Canyon is the most dangerous here. It is capable of generating earthquakes of magnitude 6.5 to 6.8.

This isn’t necessarily “huge,” but it is more than enough to cause serious damage to the densely populated parts of the county.

So what should you do in San Diego? Here are five things:

Download the free MyShake app on your smartphone. This can give you disruptive earthquake warnings and useful information after they happen. Know how to protect yourself and train. Drop to the floor, cover your head with your arms, and hold your neck until the shaking stops. Do not stand in the entrance. Stay away from mirrors and large glass windows. Include a radio, first aid kit, flashlight, batteries, water bottles, and non-perishable food for your family and pets, make an emergency preparedness plan. Think about what you and your family would do in different situations. Update your earthquake insurance. The state legislature created the not-for-profit California Seismic Authority to work with insurance companies to ensure earthquake policies are available to residents of the Golden State.

Science cannot yet accurately predict earthquakes, and they can strike at any time, but at least we can take some simple precautions.

Hopefully the next time two earthquakes hit the same day they will be equally small. But if not, we can at least be better prepared.

Chris Genwin is editor and publisher of The Times of San Diego.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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