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New Oregon study shows how water is a ‘key player’

New Oregon study shows how water is a ‘key player’


“Water is a major player in both seismic and volcanic activity in Cascadia.”

Corvallis, Oregon (KOIN) – Researchers from Oregon State University have unveiled a 3D fluid model that gives new insight into seismic activity in the Pacific Northwest.

According to OSU, the model shows fluids stored deep in Earth’s crust along the Cascadia subduction zone. It provides new information about how the buildup and release of those fluids affects seismic activity in the area.

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Pressure associated with these fluids can be a factor in the seismic phenomenon known as episodic tremor and slip, and these findings have applications to help people understand earthquakes, said Gary Eggbert, an electromagnetic geophysicist at Oregon’s College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences. Activity.

“Water is a major player in both seismic and volcanic activity in Cascadia,” he said. This is a new look for these fluids. It’s information that can be used in combination with other data, and more detailed model studies, to better understand the large Cascadia earthquakes.”

The university explained that the fluid collects near, but does not penetrate, a thick section of the crust that lies under much of western Oregon and Washington.

Egbert is also lead author of a new research paper detailing the findings, which was published in Nature Geosciences.

“Accidental tremor and slip is a misbehavior that includes both localized non-volcanic tremors and slow slip events that may occur over hours or days,” Oregon State University said in an announcement. “It occurs throughout the Cascadia Subduction, from northern California to British Columbia, but is less frequent and intense below the central Siletzia core, which extends primarily below the Oregon Coast Range and terminates near Roseburg.”

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The geophysicist’s paper takes advantage of decades of work to collect magnetic data – both marine and onshore – throughout the Cascadia subduction zone. OSU described magnetotellurics as a geophysical technology that uses surface measurements of magnetic and electric fields to detect subsurface differences in electrical resistance.

“Most hard rocks don’t conduct electricity well, but dissolved solids make water conductive, so accurate magnetic data can be very useful in figuring out where water is in the ground,” Egbert said.

The university explained that water flows naturally from the ocean into the Earth’s crust, where it accumulates and chemically combines with minerals. This is where the oceanic crust pushes down the continent along subduction zones. Then it heads and releases the water.

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Fluids released from crustal rocks can be weakened, adding OSU, which leads to crustal deformation. This can be from slow stress, such as the occasional tremor and slip, and from very large and destructive earthquakes.

Better knowledge of subsurface fluid distribution is crucial to assessing seismic risks in regions like Cascadia, where there is a high potential for a catastrophic mega earthquake, said Egbert.

Using software created by Egbert and colleagues, the magnetic data allowed the researchers to create a detailed 3D view of where fluid is stored within the Cascadia forearc, the area between the ocean trench and its associated volcanic arc.

According to the announcement, 3D imaging allows researchers to see fluid buildup more directly and draw conclusions about its motion.

She added that the new images show liquid trapped in rectangular plates running parallel to the coast and reveal areas where hard sediments accumulate against impenetrable volcanic rocks that store little water.

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Below the Siletzia core, OSU said, fluid storage and transport is more concentrated within a narrow subduction channel that exhibits less episodic tremor and slip.

“The results demonstrate how important the deep roots of Silesia are to how fluids transport and where they collect within the subduction zone,” said co-author Paul Bedrosian of the USGS. “The implications for understanding the Cascadia seismic variability are beginning to be recognized.”

However, more research is needed to understand the relationship between these fluids and earthquakes along Cascadia, but this work is not far off, Egbert said.

“It’s a complex problem, but ultimately there is a potential application to interpret this information in conjunction with seismic data and geodynamic modeling to determine the relationship between fluid storage, motion and seismic events,” he said.




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