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Queen Elizabeth II has died at the age of 96

Queen Elizabeth II has died at the age of 96


Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-reigning monarch in British history, has died, Buckingham Palace has announced. She became queen in 1952 at the age of 25 and spent 70 years on the throne. He made a commitment to serve his people, which he fulfilled with a combination of skill and a sense of duty. It was during the Second World War that Princess Elizabeth gave her first speech to the nation, and said that when peace returned, “it will be up to us, today’s children, to make tomorrow’s world a better and happier place.” . She joined the Auxiliary Territorial Service, the first woman in the royal family to become a member of the armed forces. On Victory in Europe Day, she appeared on the balcony of Buckingham Palace with her family and Winston Churchill, and then danced in the street with the crowd, pulling an officer’s cap over her eyes so no one would recognize her. In 1947, she married Philip Mountbatten, a marriage that helped lift the gloom of post-war austerity and created a union that lasted 73 years. In 1952, news of the death of her father, George VI, reached Elizabeth while on safari in Kenya. His coronation was celebrated the following year, with hundreds of thousands of people lining the route to Westminster Abbey and over 20 million watching on television. His reign began with a six-month tour of the Commonwealth. He believed that the organization should move away from empire and become more about friendship and equal rights between nations. He was delighted when his eldest son, Prince Charles, announced his engagement to Lady Diana Spencer, the 1981 wedding becoming a global television event. But the breakdown of the relationship, and that of Andrew and Sarah Ferguson, wounded the institution of the monarchy, and when Diana died in a car crash in Paris in 1997, the Queen drew criticism for grieving with her grandchildren at Balmoral. On her return to London, on the eve of Diana’s funeral, the Queen issued a personal statement of grief. In 2002, he lost his only sibling, Princess Margaret, and seven weeks later his mother. The Golden Jubilee celebrations were held that year, marking 50 years on the throne. Support for the monarchy soared, reaching an all-time high when she became the surprise star of the opening ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics. But more difficult times lay ahead. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have said that a lack of support from the royal family contributed to the couple’s decision to step back from their royal duties. And Prince Andrew was removed from his public duties as the scandal that began with his friendship with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein grew. The Covid pandemic was the biggest global crisis of its long reign. In a rare first lockdown speech of 2020, the Queen made it clear she understood the grief and hardship people were facing, invoking Vera Lynn’s wartime classic We’ll Meet Again. A year later, at the age of 99, she had to face the death of Prince Philip, seven decades and “rock” her husband. The Platinum Jubilee in 2022 marked his 70th year on the throne, and continued his public duties despite mobility issues. Cathy Newman looks at the life of Queen Elizabeth and how Britain was transformed during her reign.




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