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Election earthquake in Italy .. Mussolini fans return to the political front

Election earthquake in Italy .. Mussolini fans return to the political front


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More than fifty million Italians are running an electoral battle through the polls today, Sunday, to elect their parliament, amid expectations that the far-right will lead the results and head the government in a precedent in this country.

“I play to win, not to participate,” Matteo Salvini, president of the Anti-Immigrant League, told reporters as he headed to the vote, stressing that his party would be “on the podium of winners: first, second and in the worst case, third.”

“I look forward to returning from tomorrow to the government of this exceptional country,” added Salvini, who served as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior in the government of Giuseppe Conte (2018-2019).

In the morning, the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, and the leader of the Democratic Party (centre left) Enrico Letta also voted.

With the neo-fascist Fratelli d’Italia expected to win nearly a quarter of the vote, according to recent polls, Georgia’s 45-year-old leader Meloni is likely to head a coalition government in which – the right dominates at the expense of the traditional.

This will constitute a real earthquake in Italy, one of the founding countries of Europe and the third economic power in the eurozone, but also in the European Union, which will have to deal with a politician close to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

And the party leader warned during her election campaign: “Everyone in Europe is worried about seeing Meloni in government… the party is over, and Italy will start defending its national interests.”

Meloni, a former admirer of Mussolini with the slogan “God, Fatherland, Family,” successfully accepted her party as a political force and raised issues that simulated the discontent and frustration of its citizens by remaining in opposition, while other parties supported the national unity government led by Mario Draghi.

However, matters are not resolved yet, and Emiliana de Blasio, professor of sociology at Luis University in Rome, noted that “the (outcome) of elections, determined by sentiment and the last. moment, are unpredictable,” referring to the role of undecided voters estimated by 20%, and to the significance of the participation rate.

The elections may contain surprises, especially in the south of the country, regarding the results of the “Five Star Movement” opposing the institutions of government, which is credited with setting minimum wages for the poor.

border tightening

Whatever government emerges from the elections to take office from the end of October, it already faces obstacles on its way.

They will have to tackle the crisis caused by the sharp rise in prices at a time when Italy is facing debt at 150% of its GDP, the highest level in the eurozone after Greece. In this context, Italy is in dire need of the continuation of the aid distributed by the European Union within the framework of its economic recovery plan after the Covid-19 epidemic, of which this country is the first beneficiary by a large margin. .

“Italy cannot allow itself to do without these sums of money,” historian Mark Lazar told AFP, considering that “the margin of labor before Meloni is very limited” on the economic front. On the other hand, it can stand by Warsaw and Budapest in their fight with Brussels “on questions of defending the national interest against European interests.”

As French far-right leader Marine Le Pen did before her, Georgia Meloni eventually abandoned her project to leave the euro, but called for the suspension of the “review of the rules of the Stability Pact” due to the health crisis, which caps budget deficits and debt for countries at 3% and 60%, respectively. . of its gross domestic product.

On social issues Meloni, coming from Rome, adopts very conservative positions. She declared in June, “Yes to the average family, no to the LGBT lobby! Yes to gender identity, no to gender ideology!” . Migrants cross the sea in rickety boats to escape misery in Africa.

Experts already agree that such a coalition government, in which Meloni will face a real challenge in dealing with bewildering allies, be it Silvio Berlusconi or Matteo Salvini, will not last long in a country known for its lack of government stability.




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