New technology can give earthquake warnings to mobile phones – Chicco Enterprise Records
![New technology can give earthquake warnings to mobile phones – Chicco Enterprise Records New technology can give earthquake warnings to mobile phones – Chicco Enterprise Records](https://www.chicoer.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/EARTHQUAKES-01-01.jpg?w=1024&h=768)
CHICO – An earthquake measuring 5.1 on the Richter scale struck 12 miles from San Jose, California at 11:42 a.m. Tuesday.
It wasn’t a major earthquake, but enough to get people talking. There is now new technology available that can detect earthquakes and give warnings.
In Chico State, in the new science building, there is a device called Heliquarter which is a computer monitor that tracks and displays seismic data. On Thursday, the monitoring device was tracking data in Alaska.
According to Chico State Research and Education Support Coordinator Bill Copperwats, who works in the Department of Geology, there was a seismograph “noon in the day” in the basement of the old Physical Sciences building.
“It was great,” Cuprowats said. “Students can see it on tours. But the technology was really old, dating back to the 80s or 90s.”
Cuproats said that when he arrived in Chico State in 2007, the machine stopped working. He removed it and replaced it with a kiosk, a large screen connected to a computer, that can pull live data from seismic stations around the world.
“Kids can walk and see where the data is being logged from,” Kuprowats said.
Cupruats said Robert Allen, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, has developed an app called MyShake. This application can pull seismic network data and use a sensor in mobile phones to detect vibrations and earthquakes. It was released in 2019. It does not predict earthquakes, but 50 seconds to a minute before an earthquake it can warn the mobile owner of what is coming based on seismic data.
“It works in California, Washington, and Oregon,” Cuprowats said. “It gives a warning before the seismic energy gets to where you are, and it gives you a few seconds to duck, cover, and prepare.”
Cupruats said Mexico City has had an early warning system for nearly a decade.
“Mexico City earthquakes happen on the coast,” he said. If detected, the system gives up to a minute and a half of advance warning before seismic waves occur. You saved many lives.”
When an earthquake is detected, Kuprowats said, the seismic energy can travel 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) per second. If you are within 100 kilometers (62 miles) of the epicenter, you have 10 seconds before the shock wave hits you and you’ll receive an alert on your phone from MyShake. MyShake is available for both Androids and iPhones.
The Gateway Science Museum currently houses an exhibit called Earthquakes and Epidemics. There is a booth there that displays live seismic data.
In addition to the MyShake app, the QuakeAlertUSA app from Early Warning Labs issues alerts, even for less severe earthquakes, to those who download them.
Early Warning Labs said Tuesday that it has sent alerts to 928 users on Android and iOS devices via the QuakeAlertUSA app. Those users are expected to experience level 3 shaking on the modified Mercali intensity scale, which measures the intensity of an earthquake, the company said.
Early Warning Labs said that under USGS rules, to receive early warning, an earthquake must be greater than 4.5 on the Richter scale and the intensity expected on MMI 3.
How to get an earthquake alert message:
• Wireless emergency alerts, such as the USGS AMBER Alert and ShakeAlert, are delivered through FEMA’s Integrated Public Alert and Alert System. It is not necessary to subscribe to alerts but make sure the option is not turned off. For questions, contact your cell phone service provider.
• The MyShake app is available for free on the Apple Apps and Google Play Stores. Learn more: https://myshake.berkeley.edu/
• QuakeAlertUSA is available for free on Apple Apps and Google Play Stores. Learn more: https://earlywarninglabs.com/mobile-app/.
• Google provides earthquake alert feature that is powered by ShakeAlert technology built into the Android operating system. Go to the Security & Emergency option in your phone’s Settings and select “Earthquake Alerts”.
The Bay Area News Group contributed to this report.
Sources 2/ https://www.chicoer.com/2022/10/28/new-technology-can-give-earthquake-warnings-on-cell-phones/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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