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2.2 earthquake east of Bonn Terre on Sunday night

2.2 earthquake east of Bonn Terre on Sunday night


The US Geological Survey (USGS) reported a 2.2-magnitude earthquake at a depth of 14 miles east of Bon Terry at 7:11 p.m. Sunday.

There were no reports of damage at this time.

The epicenter was 600 feet north of the end of Riverview Lane off Route K, and about 1,600 feet west of the Big River. USGS put the coordinates at 37.927°N 90.508°W.

On the modified Mercalli intensity scale, an arbitrary classification used by the USGS based on observed effects, the 2.2 earthquake is very light. An earthquake of this magnitude would be felt by few people at rest, especially on the higher floors of buildings. No one reported feeling the quake in front of the USGS until Monday afternoon.

According to, three more earthquakes have been reported in the past eight months in and around Bonne Terre:

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2.2 degrees, 7.5 miles deep, bon terry; 1.9 degrees, 3 miles deep, Leadwood, 2 months ago; 2.0 degrees, 5.6 miles deep, Frederictown, eight months ago.

Some scientists say the New Madrid Seismic Zone, which runs through several states, has the potential to cause strong earthquakes in the next 50 years.

earthquake insurance results

The Missouri Department of Commerce and Insurance (DCI), the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Center for Insurance Policy and Research (CIPR), and the University of Missouri Disaster and Community Crisis Center have announced a new report addressing the new situation. The earthquake protection gap in the Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ). The report is said to provide insight into the uptake of homeowners’ and renters’ insurance.

Located in southeastern Missouri, the NMSZ is one of the most seismically active regions in the country, averaging over 200 small earthquakes each year. In 1811 and 1812, the area produced some of the largest earthquakes in US history, estimated to have a magnitude of 7.0-7.5. Several studies have projected what the losses would be if a similar-sized earthquake occurred in the NMSZ today, with estimates ranging from $110 to $290 billion in total insured losses.

Since 1974, more than 4,000 earthquakes have been recorded in the NMSZ, and scientific experts estimate that there is a 25-40% chance of another large-scale earthquake in the next 50 years.

Despite the threat, a large and growing gap exists in the protection of earthquake insurance coverage in the region. Missouri DCI produces annual estimates of its state’s housing insurance coverage. The most recent data from 2021 shows that earthquake coverage in the New Madrid, Missouri area has fallen 49% from 2000 (60%), while earthquake coverage costs there have increased by 816%. Districtwide, an estimated 7-16% of homeowners report having earthquake insurance.

The study explores other reasons beyond cost and availability that may influence a consumer’s decision to purchase earthquake insurance coverage. The study found that the three most important predictors of earthquake insurance uptake were:

Use agents to help make insurance decisions

Talking to friends and family about earthquakes

Confidence in adequate information about earthquakes

Another major finding was that many homeowners were unaware that their standard insurance policy did not cover earthquake damage and losses. Missouri DCI is incorporating the results of this study into its annual education and awareness campaign to give consumers more information to make critical decisions about their coverage and preparedness.

For questions about the report or data, contact the NAIC Center for Insurance Policy and Research. For questions about a consumer awareness and education program, contact the Missouri Department of Commerce and Insurance.

Sarah Haas is an associate editor at The Daily Journal. She can be contacted at 573-518-3617 or [email protected].

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