‘To prevent loss of life’: Turkey conducts nationwide drills on earthquake

Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) held nationwide exercises on Saturday, marking the 23rd anniversary of the 1999 Duzce earthquake, which lasted for 30 seconds and claimed 710 lives.
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged on Saturday, minutes before the country holds nationwide exercises to strengthen emergency preparedness and response, that we cannot prevent an earthquake but we can minimize the loss of life and property.
The exercise, which was organized by the Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD), was conducted in 81 provinces of Turkey and Turkish Cyprus at 6:57 pm (3:57 pm GMT) local time to commemorate the 23rd anniversary of the deadly earthquake in Turkey. Duzce city.
Citizens received an audible alert on their phones, along with an SMS notification in Turkish and English that read: “This is an announcement of earthquake drills,” and proceeded to tell people to drop, cover and hold — the course of action to take during an earthquake. Advertisements were also issued in mosques, municipalities, television and radio stations.
“We expect you to participate in the exercise voluntarily and test your reactions and the reactions of your environment against a possible earthquake. I believe that with the few minutes you will devote to this exercise, we will gain experience that will add life to your earlier video message,” Erdogan said in a video message earlier.
Noting that scientists agree that the possibility of major earthquakes in Turkey is increasing, he said, “Yes, an earthquake cannot be prevented, but it is in our hands to take measures to prevent loss of life and property.”
He said Turkey has learned from the bitter experiences of the past and now has an integrated disaster management strategy, established in coordination with the Disaster and Emergency Management.
The plan consists of three phases, including pre-disaster preparedness and risk reduction, response during disaster and post-disaster recovery.
“Within the scope of pre-disaster preparedness and risk reduction studies, we make our cities disaster-resistant through mass housing and urban transformation projects, reach our citizens in a short time with our effective management in the event of a disaster, and implement quick search and rescue efforts,” he added. Through our disaster recovery strategy, we are implementing projects that will replace devastated areas with much better ones.”
“That is why we declared 2020 the year of disaster preparedness, 2021 as the year of disaster awareness, and this year the year of disaster training,” he added.
The president said that in 2021 nearly 57 million citizens were reached with various training materials, while in 2022 a total of 94,207 exercises were conducted to test Turkey’s readiness.
On November 12, 1999, a 7.1-magnitude earthquake rocked Duzce and lasted 30 seconds, killing 710 people and injuring 2,679.
The Duzce earthquake followed the August 17, 1999 earthquake that hit the city of Izmit in northwestern Turkey, killing 18,373 people and injuring 23,781 in a 7.6-magnitude earthquake, according to official figures from the Disaster and Emergency Management Authority.
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