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Didn’t you feel it? 2.7-magnitude earthquake hits parts of North Carolina

Didn’t you feel it?  2.7-magnitude earthquake hits parts of North Carolina


Didn’t you feel it? 2.7-magnitude earthquake hits parts of North Carolina

Updated: 11:55 AM EST Dec 8, 2022

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You want. The CW starts now. On the night on WXII, he was shot during a house fire. The sheriff is now defending how deputies stopped him. PLUS, OH, MY GOSH. You know, not only will I be able to stay there, you know, I can collect, but what do I do about my animals, you know? Schools are closed. The companies are out of business. What families do without a place to work remotely or stay warm as power slowly returns to another county. Then make pivot elections. What do Georgia voters say in the final Senate race, the horse race, and who is leading at this hour. Tonight, leaders in Moore County are looking into whether the death was related to the global outage. Something has been going on since the weekend. Or if it is caused by something else, another medical condition. Our RALIG reports that the person was in the house without power when the person died. At this hour, 35,000 DUKE customers still don’t have power. On the rise over the weekend, though, that number topped 45,000. Four nights ago, someone targeted Doki’s power plants, firing multiple rounds and badly destroying equipment. Authorities say they have received hundreds of tips and are working tirelessly to try to find the culprits. Who is the culprit. I can assure you, I hope they turn off the energy and put you in the hive. So while thousands are still powerless, many residents are choosing to move temporarily to ensure they stay safe and warm. WXII tells WXII that FORT HATCHETT met her with another county woman and her four-legged friend who are ditching the Moore County power outage in Greensboro. Back in October, Taylor Bell moved to Pinehurst from Winston-Salem for a new job. She was out of town on Saturday night when she got a text from DUKE ENERGY. Note the outage report, the damage assessment is in progress. The power was still on the next day when she received another text telling her it might be Thursday before her lights came back on. As I was driving into town, downhill, all the lights were out and the intersections and if I wasn’t swinging before, I was swinging after because it wasn’t. It didn’t feel right. After a month and a half after moving, Belle returns to the trip for an unplanned stay. She gets along with her on a trip to her boyfriend in Greensboro. It was dark so at the top of my phone is the flashlight, Carol, and I’m trying to stand somewhere and get things in the bag and get the right things in the bag. Not everything is put in the bag. Belle has to buy a new laptop charger in Greensboro in order to work from her temporary head office. I think I got luckier than the others. I am not completely in an IDP shelter. I’ve had a lot of, you know, at least a very popular place to turn to. Bell’s two-year-old Australian Shepherd, Otis, made the trip. He’s staying warm but he just doesn’t like the new place yet. Sit down, sit down. hey. I know. Otis has some room to play outside, while the duo make up the bulk of the situation. They both hope to go home strong on Thursday, but it takes nothing to get by. It’s kind of like a cloud that kind of gets lost. Like I have a plan for the next couple of days, but what about a couple of days after that? If not, you know, wake up how it’s supposed to. In Greensboro, Ford, Hatchet, WXE. 12 news. DUKE ENERGY spokesperson Jeff Brooks says the company expects to restore power to everyone in Moore County by midnight tomorrow. Explanation of the process during today’s briefing. It won’t happen every time. It will happen in stages. This is a very complex process that involves equipment being moved into place and installed. They’re there, but now we’re going through the process of calibrating them, testing them, and preparing them to sync the eyes to the electrical grid, which is a very complicated process. Damaged terminal parts must be replaced. Unlike when pieces can be repaired after weather events that disturb the force. To Wales County, now a woman has died after a cylinder crash. Tropper says a minivan veered off Highway 421 near Bone Pass on Monday afternoon. It collapsed down a building, then flipped over. The driver sustained non-life-threatening injuries, but a passenger identified as 75-year-old Caroline White died at the scene. Both were wearing seat belts at the time, and he was a pedestrian on Fifth Street at night in Winston-Salem. City police said Clarence Watson was walking around 10:00 at night when he was hit and killed by a car. Then the driver left the scene. The police are still trying to find the driver that night. Still no arrests made tonight in the shooting death of a 22-year-old man in Greensboro. POLICE FOUND XAVIER WELLS WELLS WITH A GUNSHOT WOUND NIGHT SATURDAY NIGHT. Under LAURA’s command, he dies in the hospital. Crime Watchers is offering a reward of up to $5,000 for information leading to an arrest. In more than Roanne County, firefighters have been shot while working to start a fire. Deputies killed the shooter at 1 a.m. on Friday. RONALD GREEN fired at responders while they were on the scene of a house fire. Our NBC, NC toilet reports that a firefighter has been shot in the face. The officer was also shot in the face. The deputies returned fire, killing Green. The COPS didn’t open fire on him like the first five or six shots likely they were trying to get at him. Yes, you know, just drop the gun and surrender. No first responders were killed. Today, the sheriff said he was upset by Greene’s death, but says his deputies did the right thing by protecting these fighters. A new report came out tonight detailing how a helicopter crash in Charlotte killed two WB Television employees. Meteorologist Jason Myers and chip pilot Taiyang were on a training flight for a simulated news scene. The plane left the news station before noon that day. It circled over the 77 for about 5 minutes. Investigators said Tang made three 360-degree turns. Then, the helicopter entered a rapid descent. That’s when he collapsed on the highway. NTSB says there were no spam calls. Four years of dyeing in disaster in Greensboro this weekend. The policeman says that the child was not wearing a seat belt and was not in the car seat. Now, local doctors are reminding everyone of the importance of car seats. EXPLAINS WXII 12 MARIA DEBONE The safety experts at Brenner Children’s Hospital say here at the Piedmont Trade, 90% of car seats are not installed properly or drivers haven’t even used them. That’s why experts say it’s essential to know which one to use. All infants and young children must be in a rear-facing car seat until they are at least two years old or reach the maximum weight of the selected car seat. Once they’ve overcome that, they should be in the front five-point car seat. Many older kids, even some kids in middle school, need to be in car booster seats, experts said. And according to North Carolina law, a child younger than eight or less than 80 pounds must be in a booster seat. David Sharp, a life safety educator with BURLINGTON FIRE, said he’s been in the fire service for several years and has witnessed injuries and deaths of children who weren’t in a proper car seat or weren’t in one place at all. Just drive day to day as a certified Car Seat Technician who is trained in just the right car seats for daily driving around town. I see it all the time, you know, it’s pretty typical of me to see a baby clasped right or standing in the seat that surrounds you. It’s a pity. It’s almost a weekly essential that I get to see a baby in a car, not the right seat belt. This is a very common occurrence. Unfortunately. For more information on what type of vehicle meets your child’s needs, how to install it, and more, go to WXII 12 DOT COM, WINSTON-SALEM MARIA DEBONE. WXII News 12. It’s especially important to be careful on the roads this week. We have some rainy days ahead and the roads get pretty slippery quickly. The real issue will be the fog. Chief Meteorologist. Lani Baba has our expectations. Lenny. Yes, it’s a weather effect day. Heading into tomorrow, it will likely be affected by fog as well as rain. So expect fog all night and commute in the morning with wet roads. We’re getting another round of rain here. early on Wednesday. So we’ll catch some extra rain fall. Now there is a heavy fog advisory issued for DAVIE County and four counties to the south and west where visibility can drop to zero. Now we’ve got a little bit of patchy rain rushing through our area now, a little bit of rain left around Macaroni, just north of Llanes. Other than that, it’s just kind of like a little bit of fog around that front that you see in the south slowly working towards the north and it’s going to catch some rain. That’s just for the West moving in at that time in the early morning to lighten up, we’ll likely have some lightening around us. Our temperatures would stay very close to where they are now, if it weren’t warm. Just a touch close to 50 degrees. Well, Lenny, thank you. And as it gets colder, those energy bills will start to climb. Fortunately, you can apply now to NORTH CAROLINA for the Department of Health and Human Services, a low-income energy subsidy program. Seniors and people with disabilities are eligible. This EU-funded program helps drive low-income heat preservation revenues. Head to the HHS website to apply or contact your local county office of social services. Georgia voters head to the polls again to decide the final game of the US Senate is tonight. So the race is between Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock and Republican legend Herschel Walker. The RUNOFF decides whether the Democrats gain a majority in the Senate or retain better control of Room 5050. Based on the tiebreaker vote for Vice President Harris. Voters shared what they wanted from the winner with NBC. Well, we have someone who has to fight for me, you know, make the decisions that are best for me and my family. Polls closed at 7 p.m. and the unofficial votes are already starting to trickle in. And at this hour, Raphael Warnock is ahead but by a slim, skinny margin. It only got to more than 50%. Herschel Walker, if you take a spin, it’s just under 50%. They are separated by quick math. About 12,000 voters at that time. This race has not been called by the associated press or any of the major television networks. After the break, how healthy donuts can be for society. yes

Didn’t you feel it? 2.7-magnitude earthquake hits parts of North Carolina

Updated: 11:55 AM EST Dec 8, 2022

The US Geological Survey (USGS) said a 2.7-magnitude earthquake shook part of North Carolina. The USGS said the quake was reported northwest of Hill Valley in Henderson, North Carolina, near the Asheville area. The quake was reported late Wednesday just before 10:30 p.m. The epicenter is 2.3 miles underground, and they said at least 760 people reported feeling the quake or tremors in their area. While most of these reports came from the Hendersonville community, there were some reports from eastern North Carolina. People also felt the same earthquake in the suburbs of Louisville, Kentucky, about 275 miles away. There was also another report from southern Pennsylvania, about 420 miles from Hendersonville Click the video player above to see the latest headlines from WXII 12.

Valley Hill, North Carolina –

The US Geological Survey (USGS) said a 2.7-magnitude earthquake shook part of North Carolina.

The USGS said the quake was reported northwest of Hill Valley in Henderson, North Carolina, near the Asheville area. The quake was reported late Wednesday just before 10:30 p.m. The epicenter is located underground at a depth of 2.3 miles.

They said that at least 760 people reported feeling the earthquake or tremors in their area. While most of these reports came from the Hendersonville community, there were some reports from eastern North Carolina. People also felt the same earthquake in the suburbs of Louisville, Kentucky, about 275 miles away. There was also another report from southern Pennsylvania, about 420 miles from Hendersonville.

Click the video player above to see the latest headlines from WXII 12.

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