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There is no danger of a tsunami after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake hits northern Australia

There is no danger of a tsunami after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake hits northern Australia


The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) says there is no danger of a tsunami in Australia after people across the north of the country woke up to a 7.6-magnitude earthquake in waters off Indonesia overnight.

Key points: A 7.6-magnitude earthquake struck waters off Indonesia overnight, about 600km north of Darwin. There is no risk of a tsunami in the Australian mainland, islands or territories. Populations across northern Australia were woken up at 3am. :17 am.

At 3:17 a.m. EST on Tuesday, the quake struck under the sea near the Tanimbar Islands, about 600 kilometers north of Darwin.

Local authorities on the Tanimbar Islands said 15 homes and two school buildings sustained damage, with one resident injured.

So far there have been no reports of damage in Australia.

The office said there was no risk of a tsunami on the Australian mainland, islands or land from the quake.

Geoscience Australia (GA) has also received reports of people feeling this way in parts of East Timor and Indonesia.

GA seismologist Tanja Pejic told ABC Radio Darwin the quake had a magnitude of 7.6 and struck 90 kilometers below the surface.

She said the quake was the largest in the region since 2010, with 2,600 reports so far from people who felt it across the Northern Territory and Western Australia.

Kununurra, Darwin, Tennant Creek all the way to Nhulunbuy [people] She was reporting mild to moderate shaking”

She said more aftershocks are very likely.

“We’ve definitely recorded one so far with a magnitude of 5.4,” Pejic said.

“So, much smaller. I’m not sure people would feel that.”

Indonesian media published pictures of property damaged by the earthquake (Twitter).

In the event of an earthquake, Ms. Begić said people should stay where they are and “go down, cover and hold”.

This includes getting down on all fours, seeking shelter under a sturdy table or against an interior wall, covering your head and neck with one hand and holding on to the table or wall with the other.

Immediately after the earthquake, social media sparked reports of users shaking, with many saying it was the strongest earthquake they had ever felt in the area.

One said he felt the shaking at Weipa in Cape York, Queensland.

Pop star Fassi, who hails from the area, tweeted that she “walked out of the house in the middle of the night” as the shaking started.

“It was kind of scary. He woke us up in the middle of the night.”

Former Olympian and federal senator Nova Perez tweeted that “the whole house shook like crazy and pictures fell off the walls.”

Prime Minister Natasha Felice urged residents of the region to beware of aftershocks.

“[I] You suspect a few of us will need a coffee or four to go later this morning after that shock,” she said on social media.

Northern Territory Business Secretary Paul Kirby said he was awakened by the “rumbling of the whole house”.

“[It was] Certainly the biggest and longest earthquake I can remember in the twenty years I was here.”

“I haven’t heard any reports of damage and that’s pretty amazing.”

Darwin residents share ‘crazy’ earthquake stories

After the early morning wake-up call, the cafés filled with residents sharing their experiences of the earthquake.

For Darwin local Anne Gibb, even though she lives in a town that is used to the occasional quake, the quake was the worst she had ever seen.

“[I] I got up, grabbed the dog, went downstairs and listened to everything rattling — car alarms going off, dogs going off.”

“The whole house was shaking, everything was shaking.”

Longtime Darwin resident Ann Jebb says last night’s earthquake was the worst she has experienced since moving to the area. (ABC News: Matt Garrick)

Kayla Spicer from Darwin said she woke up terrified.

“It definitely felt like a stronger kind of earthquake than we normally experience, and I got up and got a little scared of it, but it didn’t last long,” she said.

Travelers Kim and Steve Badham had just arrived in the Northern Territory capital of Newcastle, New South Wales, when they experienced tremors from the 13th floor of their hotel in the city.

“It was crazy, we were bouncing back and forth, and there was so much movement in the building,” Badham said.

“Being on the 13th floor was a little ominous,” said her husband, Steve.

He said, “We got up and had a look and everyone was looking over their balconies yelling, ‘What’s going on, what’s going on? ‘” “.

“And we said, ‘Maybe it’s an earthquake.'”

The couple also lived through the earthquake that hit Newcastle in 1989, which claimed 13 lives.




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